The 60's

  • Birth Control

    Birth Control
    Birth control was a method to create the possibility of preventing a women from becoming pregnant and could also be used for hormones. This was invented in 1960, the character Sarah Weinstock started taking this.
  • The anti-war protest of 1964

    The anti-war protest of 1964
    The anti-war protest of 1964 was a protest against the US involvement in the Vietnam war. Characters Sarah Weinstock, Kenny Klein, and Michael Herlihy took place in this event.
  • Shipped to Vietnam

    Shipped to Vietnam
    The date of March 8, 1965, soldiers of the US military were being shipped to fight in the Vietnam war. The movie showed the character Brian Herlihy being shipped out to fight in Vietnam.
  • Jazz Festival of 1965

    Jazz Festival of 1965
    This jazz fest was a weekend of jazz-related music in Newport, Freebody Park. Michael Herlihy, Sarah Weinstock, and Kenny Klein took part in this event.
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    The Watts Riot was a series of riots that took place in the black neighborhood of Los Angelos. Many casualties and arrests happened with a total destruction cost of $40 million. Emmet Taylor helped with the destruction levels.
  • Summer of love; Haight, Ashbury: 1967

    Summer of love; Haight, Ashbury: 1967
    A summer of peace and love where a group called the hippies dressed in bright and fashionable clothes, these hippies lived a careless and "peaceful" life. In the movie, the characters Katie Herlihy and Emmet Taylor were involved in this summer of love.
  • Breakfast program, free breakfast for children!

    Breakfast program, free breakfast for children!
    The Black Panther party served free breakfast for children in school. Emmet Taylor was a part of this generous program.
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated by James Earl Ray in 1968 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Memphis.
  • Democratic Convention

    Democratic Convention
    Herbert Humphrey won this convention on the weekend of August 25th in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Woodstock music and arts festival

    Woodstock music and arts festival
    In New York, August 15-17 1969 took place of the Woodstock music and arts festival with the characters Katie Herlihy, Brian Herlihy, Michael Herlihy that become reunited.