The 1920s

  • The prohibition

    The prohibition
    The prohibition was when acoholic beveages were banned. Later the 18th amendment was taken out of the constitution.
  • The 19th amendment is added to the constitution

    The 19th amendment is added to the constitution
    The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. This later lead to women holding elective offices like senator. This later lead to them getting jobs and feeling independent.
  • The KDKA

    The KDKA
    The KDKA was the first licened radio station. This would revolutionize how people got the news. It also make the radio the center of home entertanment until the TV came out.
  • congress enacts emergancy quota act

    congress enacts emergancy quota act
    The emergancy quota act was made to restict or limit the number of immagrents allowed to come into the country. This act helped stablize the economy, cost of living, and wages by lowering number of people looking for jobs.
  • The boll weevil ruin large percent of southern cotten crop

    The boll weevil ruin large percent of southern cotten crop
    The boll weevil is a beetle that eats cotton flowers. That year they were worse then normal and killed 85% of the cotton, This had a big impact costing farmers hundrads of millions of dollars.
  • Stock market rises

    Stock market rises
    This made people start to invest in the stock market more. People also started to take out loans the they couldn't pay later costing them millions of dollars.
  • national origin act

    national origin act
    The national act further stricioned immagration rules apone arrivel. It made immagrents have to pay taxes and have to read in english.
  • Scopes trial

    Scopes trial
    This trial was for John Scopes teaching evolution when it was banned in Tennessee. IN the end Scopes lost the case and was fined the standard amount.
  • KKK marchs through Washington DC

    KKK marchs through Washington DC
    Tens of thousands of klansmen marched through washington. They marched for the intrests of the klan and to show their power.
  • The Weary Blues

    The Weary Blues
    The Weary Blues were a collection of songs. They were inspired from blues poets when he was a kid.
  • Charles Lindergh flies across the Atlantic.

    Charles Lindergh flies across the Atlantic.
    Lindergh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic solo. This made him one of the most famos people in the world.
  • The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti

    The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti
    They were executed for murder, the worst part was that they were framed.They were convictud because they were immagrants and communist.
  • Herbert Hoover become president of the United States of America.

    Herbert Hoover become president of the United States of America.
    Herbert ran aginst Al Smith who lost and Hoover won. Eight months later the stock marked crashed and everyone blamed hoover for it.