
Taxation of Colonies

By Jewlzy6
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act meant that anything that was made of, contained any, or was molasses or sugar was priced higher. The colonies didn't have enough money to pay the extra fee so the didn't really pay at first. The the British sent people to enforce the act.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp act meant that every legal document had to be written on specially stamped paper, showing proof of payment. Deeds, wills, marriage licenses ,and contracts of any sort were not recognized as legal in a court of law unless they were prepared on this paper. The colonists saw this as unfair because they wouldn't benefit from it and could not pay for it. The British saw this as fair and they were paying taxes higher than the colonies, so it should not cause a problem in the colonies.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This made that any colonist had to host the British soldiers in their house if they needed to and they had to feed them. The colonists did not like this. They gave them the bare minimum but the British forced them too and didn't care what the colonist thought.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    Taxed some imported goods such as glass, paints, paper, tea, and lead. The colonists were taxed so the British could fund itself.The colonies of course couldn't pay and thought it unfair. The British pushed them to pay and if they didn't then they would be punished.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Made it so the colonists could only get a certain tea. The colonists rebelled heavily. The British forced them harder and it ended with the Revolutionary War.