Steve Jobs

  • Born

    He was born in San Francisco on 1955
  • Infancy

    His parents two university students without money, we gave in adoption to the marriage formed by Paul and Clara Jobs
  • Adolecence

    Steve Jobs joined Reed College, a liberal arts college in Portland Oregon, but dropped out of college one semmester later.
    After an internship at the Hewlet-Packard company, in 1974 he was hired as a designer by Atari a pioneer company of the then-nascent video game industry.
  • Occupation: Inventor

    He was an American inventor.
    He was co-founded Apple Computers with Steve Wozniak. Apple's revolutionary products, wich include the iPhone and iPad.
  • Apple is Born

    He knows his partner Wozniak. He knew how to recorgnize the work of the computers in which his partner worked. Like this born the Aple I considered the first personal computer in history. In 1976 with the money obtained from the sale of their Volkswagen van, they founded the company Apple Computer.
  • New Company

    Jobs left the company in 1985, launching Pixar Animation Studios, then returned to Apple more than a decades later.
  • Mistakes

    He decides to recruit Sculley , who eventually ends sack Jobs from his own company.
  • Death

    Jobs died in Palo Alto on October 5, 2011, after battling pancreatic cancer for nearly a decade. He was 56 years old.