Special Education History

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    In Brown vs. Board of Education, schools were segregated by skin color, but the school for white children was getting treated better than the school for colored children. An upset father of an African American girl went to the Board of Education and argued that they were not treating the same. The supreme court ruled in his favor saying it was a violation. The impact in education today is that there are now high standards in place for all individuals to be treated equal no matter what.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act passed ensures that schools with many low-income families received federal funding to ensure that the disabled and children of poverty received the same education. This act gave resources such as new special education centers to give them a good education. This impact on special education is one of the largest because it allows more low-income schools to disperse the same education and resources as in an affluent area.
  • Diana vs CA State Board of Education

    Diana vs CA State Board of Education
    In this court case, it was found that testing for special education was done in a biased way towards a white middle-class family and it was creating many misdiagnoses of children. Many culturally diverse individuals were being coded as special education because the testing was only in English. They also only tested based on IQ. The impact on special education today is that individuals go under extensive non-biased testing to see if they are a fit for special education, this has removed the bias.
  • PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    This court case had to do with the concept that children with mental disabilities were getting denied an education in the state due to them not being a certain mental age. This case overturned the law and granted children even with mental disabilities the access to free public education. The impact this has on special education today is the principle that because someone has a mental disability or is behind on milestones they still have a place in the education system today because of this.
  • The Education for all Handicapped Students Act

    The Education for all Handicapped Students Act
    This act was passed by congress in1975 stating that all children that are handicapped or with disability still deserve the right to an education and will get one free meal each day. Although similar court cases were passed before this was a nationwide act and contained many checks and balances to ensure that this was promoted through all public schools. This act is monumental in special education today because it ensures children are treated equally and gain the same education as others.
  • Armstrong vs Kline

    Armstrong vs Kline
    In this court case, many parents were upset because their children with disabilities could not receive a longer education than the 180 days of a school year. The court ruled for an extension of the school year for individuals with a disability so that they continue to go forward in learned and not backward. This impact on special education today because it is an option for students with disabilities to keep up with their learning and their routine and not regress during summer break.
  • Board of Education vs Rowley

    Board of Education vs Rowley
    In this case, a child who was deaf but still maintaining well in her normal classes during her IEP meeting parents requested that she have an interpreter to help her better succeed through school and they denied it. After many appeals, the court finally ruled that she deserves the right to the interpreter because each student deserves every right to succeed. This is important today because many modifications and requests can be put in place to give each student the best chance to succeed.
  • Timothy vs Rochester School District

    Timothy vs Rochester School District
    The school district was attempting to deny him of his education because they thought his disabilities were too extreme to even attempt to gain an education. The effects of this now today is that no public school can deny access to any student no matter how severe their disability seems. Every child has to be given an equal chance to education no matter what disabilities they have. This protects children from being rejected and treated differently.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This act was put in place to focus on academic skills and hold public schools accountable. This act forced states to come up with standards and test their students based on those to see if they are falling behind or up to date on the material. This ensures that individuals who are behind would get extra help and not be left behind. Of all the different acts this nice importance on special education today is greatest because it ensures an actual education is being acquired and ensures it is.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This was an updated version of the EHA and it had a more focused idea on reading, early intervention, and other special services. The changes to this are to help give disabled children the kind of education and resources that will aid them in going on and getting a job and being in the real world. The importance of this is education is to set individuals up to go out and be successful and this act ensures that that same goal is promoted to children with disabilities.