
Space Race timeline

  • Lauching of sputnik 1

    Lauching of sputnik 1
    Launched the first human-made object to orbit the Earth.
  • USSR launches Sputnik 2

    USSR launches Sputnik 2
    USSR launches Sputnik 2 which held a small dog named Laika into space and orbit. They knew there was no possible way of bringing him back and the dog did die in space.
  • The Vanguard 1 satellite is launched

    The Vanguard 1 satellite is launched
    It continued to function for 3 years after.
  • Luna 1 is launched by the USSR

    Luna 1 is launched by the USSR
    It was the first man made object to orbit.
  • The US launches Discoverer XIV

    The US launches Discoverer XIV
    It was the first launched camera equipped spy satellite in space,
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    Yuri Gagarin orbits the Earth once and becomes the first man in space.
  • Alan B. Shepard

    Alan B. Shepard
    Alan B. Shepard becomes the first American in space. This for americans was a long awaited achievment.
  • Walter Schirra

    Walter Schirra
    Walter Schirra orbits the Earth six times. This double John Glenns orbits around the moon just a couple months earlier.
  • First close range picture of the moon

    First close range picture of the moon
    U.S. Ranger 7 showed the first close up photo of the moon.
  • Edward White

    Edward White
    First U.S. Space walk from Gemini 4.
    lasting 22 minutes.
  • Venus 3 is launched.

    Venus 3 is launched.
    It was the first man made object to impact Venus on March 1, 1966.
  • Soviet Soyuz 1

    Soviet Soyuz 1
    First space craft with somebody to die.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    They did achieve the first human on the moon.
  • Anik A1

    Anik A1
    Geostationary communications satellite. Canada was the accomplished country.
  • Appollo 17's return from the moon

    Appollo 17's return from the moon
    Apollo 17 was the last Apollo mission to land men on the Moon. It carried the only trained geologist to walk on the lunar surface, lunar module pilot Harrison Schmitt.