The bubble nebula

Space Exploration- 1960's to 2000's

By minTea
  • Mission: Sputnik 5

    Mission: Sputnik 5
    The first time plants and animals returned alive from Earth orbit:
    The spacecraft contained 2 dogs, 40 mice, 2 rats, and a varation of plants. The space craft manage to orbit around earth in a total of three times and managed to return the animals safely.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    First Decade

  • Mission: Venera 1

     Mission: Venera 1
    The machine's first: launch from orbit/ mid-course corrections/ spin-stablization.The spacecraft contained a flux-gate magnetometer attached to the antenna boom, two ion-traps to measure the solar wind, micrometeorite detectors, and geiger counter tubes and sodium iodide scintillator for measurement of cosmic radiation.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Vostok 1

    Mission: Vostok 1
    The first time a human space traveled (Yuri Gagarin) and first human-crewed orbital flight occured.The space flight was only one orbit around Earth. Due to official records it took 108 minutes from beginning to end or launch to landing.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Mariner 2

    Mission: Mariner 2
    The first time a spacecraft flew by a planet (Venus) with the closest approch of 34,773 kilmeters. This was successful because of the many scientific instruments used. The intruments were designed to measure the tempurature distrabutions on the surface of Venus and to make basic measurments of Venus's atmosphere.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: Vostok 6

    Mission: Vostok 6
    The first woman to go in space: Valentina Tereshkova. Her backup crew was Irina Solovyova, and her resevered crew was Valentina Ponomaryova.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Luna 9

    Mission: Luna 9
    First soft landing on the moon + first photos of the moon. It was indeed a unmanned mission. Because the space craft is heavy it used a landing bag to survive the soft landing.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Luna 10

    Mission: Luna 10
    Was the first artiffical satellite of the moon. Luna 10 was also called Lunik 10 and was a robotic spacecraft mission. The space craft entered orbit on April 3rd 1966 (April 4th (Moscow time)).
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Apollo 11

    Mission: Apollo 11
    The first humans to walk on the moon (Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin). Niel Armstrong walked firsted and was joined by Buzz Alrin. Six hours later the third member Michael Collins was left alone in lunar orbit. Fifteen hours later they returned safely to earth.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: Luna 16

    Mission: Luna 16
    Luna 16 was to collect 101 soil In other words the moon's soil. It was the first unmanned mission to land on the moon safely and return back to earth safely with the lunar samples.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Uhuru (satellite)

    Mission: Uhuru (satellite)
    Uhuru was sateellite designed specially for X-ray astronomy. The complete purpose for this mission was to X-ray planet's structure and a lot more complicated things.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Period: to

    Secend Decade

  • Mission: Mars 3

    Mission: Mars 3
    Mars 3 was launch nine days after Mars 2. It was another unmanned space probe of the Soviet Mars program. The main purpose of this mission was to analyze the soil of Mars and study it's surface.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Pioneer 10

    Mission: Pioneer 10
    Pioneer 10 was the first unmanned space probe assigned to study Jupiter. The goal of this mission was to get closer and closer to Jupiter to study it's astroid belt, the enviroment around it, solar winds, and cosmic rays.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: International Ultraviolet Explorer

    Mission: International Ultraviolet Explorer
    International Ultraviolet Explorer was a astronamical space satellite. It was design to take ultraviolet spectra.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)/ ESA/ UK-SERC
  • Mission: Voyager 1

    Mission: Voyager 1
    Voyager 1 March 5 1979, the satellite was closes to Jupiter . The flyby approch was 349000 km.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: Voyager 1

    Mission: Voyager 1
    This space probe got closer to Saturn this time. It's flyby approach was 124000 km.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Period: to

    Third Decade

  • Mission: IRAS

    Mission: IRAS
    It was the first Infrared orbital observetory.It was the very first space observatory programed to perform a survey of the entire sky at infrared wavelengths. This mission lasted 10 months!
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA), UK-SERC, Netherlands-NIRV
  • Mission: STS-41-B

    Mission: STS-41-B
    Mission STS-41-B was the very first untethered space walk (Bruce McCandless 2). They were operating the MMU (manned manuvering unit) for the very first time in.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: Mir

    Mission: Mir
    The very first consistent in-habited long term research space station was done. Mir is the space station in low Earth orbit.
    Country/ Organization: USSR
  • Mission: Granat

    Mission: Granat
    This mission was a space craft sent to ultraviolet to gamma rays in orbital observatory. It especially helped the Soviet Union. The Granat operated for 9 years!
    Country/ Organization: USSR, Denmark, France, and Bulgaria
  • Period: to

    Fourth Decade

  • Mission: Hubble Space Telescope

    Mission: Hubble Space Telescope
    Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was brought into space by a space shuttle and put in orbit (it still operates today!). Hubble'm main instruments observe in the near ultraviolet, things visible, and near frared.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA) + ESA
  • Mission: Ulysses

    Mission: Ulysses
    Ulysses was the first polar orbit around the sun. Ulysses is a space probe designed to study the sun. Because of the mission's scientist's genius the fuel never froze.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA) + ESA
  • Mission: Mir

    Mission: Mir
    This Mir is way different then the others. this one was the longest space flight. The space flight was 437 days.
    Country/ Organization: Russia
  • Mission: Galilieo

    Mission: Galilieo
    This time it was the space probe's first orbit around Jupiter.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Mission: Galilieo's Atmosphereic Entry Probe

    Mission: Galilieo's Atmosphereic Entry Probe
    It was the first mission INTO the gaint gas. In othere words JUPITER! The spacecraft also discovered the first astroid moon!
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)
  • Period: to

    Fifth Decade

  • Mission: Cassini- Huygens

    Mission: Cassini- Huygens
    The first orbit of saturn. Cassini-Huygens was a space craft that was sent to Saturn system. The reason it was sent there was to get more information about it. Not only did it study saturn but it studied Jupiter as well.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA), ESA, ASI
  • Mission: Cassini-Huygens

    Mission: Cassini-Huygens
    The first time they soft landed on Titan. Titan is the largest moon of Saturn.
    Country/ Organization: ESA, USA (NASA), ASI
  • Mission: Hayabusa

    Mission: Hayabusa
    Hayabusa was a space craft designed to land on an astroid, collect a sample, and return to earth to be analyzed. There were a few missions dealing with astroids but Hayabusa was the first successful mission to acmpolish this.
    Country/ Organization: Japan (JAXA)
  • Mission: Venus Express

    Mission: Venus Express
    Venus Express was the exploration mission of the European Space Agency. The space craft has contuiously sended back data from it's polar orbit around Venus.
    Country/ Organizataion: ESA
  • Mission: Chang'e 1

    Mission: Chang'e 1
    This mission had four major goals:
    1. Obtaining 3D images of the landform and geological structures
    of the moon's surface.
    2. Analyzing and placing the amount and sharing of various chemicals on the lunar surface.
    3. Examining the moon's soil and evaluating the dept, as well as the helium-3 there.
    4. Probing the space enviroment and recording the data of the solar wind. Plus studying the effect of solar activity on the Earth and Moon.
    Country/ Organization: China
  • Mission: Kepler Mission

    Mission: Kepler Mission
    Kep;er Mission was a space craft launched by NASA design to discover Earth-like planet orbiting other stars. The space craft was also designed as a space observatory. It contained a camera and telescope.
    Country/ Organization: USA (NASA)