
Space Timeline

  • Spuntnik 1

    Spuntnik 1
    First Man-Made satalite launched by the soviet union
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    On November 3,1957 Russia Launches first anaimal in space named Lainaka On the Spuntik 2
  • Period: to

    Space timeline

  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Was launched to orbit earth Man-Made satalite
  • Explorer 3

    Explorer 3
    The explorer three was a mam-made satalite made for orbiting our solor system in the lats 1950's
  • Sputnik 3

    Sputnik 3
    The Sputnik three was a satalite launched to orbit the earth in 1958
  • Russia Launches First Man in Space

    Russia Launches First Man in Space
    On April 12,1961 Russia launches first man in space
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the spaceshp flight that succsesfully landed the first man on the moon
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 was a near almost deadly disaster
  • Apollo 14

    Apollo 14
    A space mission for the americans to the moon
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10
    Spacecraft launched into orbit to study orur atmosphere
  • Pioneer 11

    Pioneer 11
    A spacecraft launched to stuudy or solor system
  • Venera 13

    Venera 13
    First spacecraft to land on venus and study its soil
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Diasaster

    Space Shuttle Challenger Diasaster
    A space mission diasaster after engine failure 73 seconds into flight
  • Galileo Spacecraft deploys probe on Jupiter

    Galileo Spacecraft deploys probe on Jupiter
    Prob launched to jupiter and was used to study atmosphere and moons of jupiter
  • Deep Space 1 completes flyby of comet 19P/Borrelly

    Deep Space 1 completes flyby of comet 19P/Borrelly
    Deep space 1 fly by a comet