Sound of Thunder time line

  • Exposition

    The time is the future where soceity has advanced to the point that they have developed time travel. We are also intorduced to the protaginist of the story, Eckels.
  • Rising action

    Eckels sees a sign telling people to join a safari goup. He decides to apply and he meets his safari guide Travis. While looking at an office Eckels spots and is amazed by a time machine in the office that they will use
  • Rising action

    The group gets ready to uses the time machine to go back in time to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex. While they are waiting for the expedition to begin him and the employees discuss the recent election of Demacrat Keith.
  • Rising action

    The group explains to Eckels that they will only kill animals that would of died a few moments later.
  • Rising action

    The groups goes back in time to search for the dinosaur.
  • Rising action

    As the T-Rex get closer Eckels runs into the dinosaur but cannot shoot the beast. When Travis tells Eckels to return to the time machine Eckels moves in the wrong direction and catches the eye of the dinosaur.
  • Climax

    The T-Rex chases the group until the group fires and kill it. Travis notices that Eckels's boot ot muddu and discovers that he had stepped on a butterfly.
  • Falling action

    After they arrive back to modern day Eckels notices that things have changed. He looks at his boots with the dead butterfly on them and ask his co workers who won the election and they said "thankfully Deutscher."
  • Resolution

    Travis aims his gun at Eckels and we here the sound of thundr. We can infer that Travis killed Eckels.