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    poor in colonial america

    the colonies adopted the Elizabeth welfare system until the 1700s when almshouses began to appear. poor relief was introduced due to the rising number of abandoned children and indentured servant poverty cases. colonies started policies called warning out and passing on. warning out meant newcomers were strongly encouraged to move on, and passing on meant returning people to there former countries
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    social work history

  • Civil war era

    Dorthea Dix, a major social worker at this time who began to advocate for mentally ill patients. At the time the asylum's conditions were horrible and on top of that, the mentally ill patient's treatment in the asylum was brutal, and consist of the beating of the mentally ill. she went to get aid from newspapers, prominent citizens and more. getting them to pass a bill in 1854 to provide aid with the federal support of the mentally ill act. the civil war brought a new problem to the
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    social Darwinism era

    in this era, the survival of the fittest was how scientists thought they could get rid of the poor. their reasoning was that lower organisms did so why couldn't we. they thought that aiding the unfortunate was allowing the lower class to reproduce and therefore "weakening the human gene pool." they also thought that welfare was thwarting the evolutionary progress.
  • Civil war era

    the civil war brought a new problem to the United States, people lost breadwinners during the civil war could not be blamed for those misfortunes. localities enacted laws to raise funds for the sick and needy. a group of mostly women emerged from this to create the U.S sanitary commission in 1861. freedman's bureau also arose from the civil war after the emancipation of millions of slaves that had no real job training, so the Freedman bureau was established to help provide temporary relief.
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    charity organizations societies

    these people mainly provided care to people in poverty. they also coordinated relief by operating community-wide registration bureaus and education to the upper and lower class. this organization was made up of mainly volunteers. something else that was happening at the time was kids were going to juvenile facilities if they were squatters.
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    religion and social welfare

    at this point in time, all social welfare and religion were linked. a guy named Luther had a view on unemployment and he said that any person that does not work is a sinner in God's eyes because we are all here to create god's masterpiece, so if they weren't working they were not helping god's masterpiece. in this time they also came up with early social work which was made up of main women from the upper classes. they people in poverty needed to live a moral and disciplined life.
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    settlement houses

    settlement houses were a big thing for the 1880s and for the next couple of decades they would be a big thing. they were mainly put in immigrant and low-income places.they were staffed by college students, single women, teachers, and doctors. settlement houses were to bridge differences between the two classes. hull houses were started in 1889 by jane Addams. the goal of the hull houses was to research and reform the surrounding community.