social timeline

  • french revolution.

    french revolution.
    in this date, the people of paris attaked the bastile prison, a symbol of the king´s power. the revolt spread from Paris to other parts of France. later on, the monarchy was abolished and France became a republic.
  • napoleon becomes emperor

    napoleon becomes emperor
    in this date, Napoleon Bonaparte becomes emperor in france. He wanted to establish a big empire including european countries.
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost haiti
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost haiti
  • treaty of fontainebleau

    treaty of fontainebleau
    in this date, napoleon signed the treaty of fontainebleau that let him cross spain to conquer portugal. but once he was there, he invaded spain as well.
  • the spanish war of independence

    the spanish war of independence
    in this date, the spanish people rebel against the french and fight a guerilla war. there were some victories but the french soon controlled all of spain
  • spanish war of independence

    spanish war of independence
    in this date, spain fights a guerilla war against france. there were some victories, but the french soon controlled all of spain
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost argentina and colombia.
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost colombia and argentina
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost venezuela and paraguay
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost venezuela and paraguay
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost chile
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost mexico, guatemala, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, costa rica and peru
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost ecuador
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost bolivia
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost uruguay
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost uruguay
  • Period: to

    the carlist wars

    between these dates, the carlists (that were conservatives and supported monarchy) and the liberals (that wanted to modernise the country and didn´t want monarchy) fought in war to see who won the throne.
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost the dominican republic
  • isabel´s reign ends

    isabel´s reign ends
    in this date, isabel II was forced to abdicate and left spain
  • Amadeo of savoy becomes king

    Amadeo of savoy becomes king
    in this date, amadeo of savoy becomes king of spain. he was chosen by the cortes.
  • amadeo of savoy

    amadeo of savoy
    in this date, amadeo of savoy faces a lot of opposition and abdicates.
  • the restoration

    the restoration
    in this date, the restoration began thanks to alfonso XII, isabel´s son, that returned to spain to become king.
  • first oficial football match in spain

    first oficial football match in spain
    in this date, the two oldest teams now, played the first oficial football match in spain
  • loss of colonies

    loss of colonies
    in this date, spain lost cuba
  • spanish american war

    spanish american war
    in this date, spain fought a war against usa over it´s remaining colonies.spain didn´t want to lose cuba because it was very rich in sugar. the usa supported the cuban independence movement and finally, the usa won the war.