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Social media creation timeline

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn started on May 5, 2003, but it went public in May 19 2011. LinkedIn has 332 million members. LinkedIn is so popular that 2 new users join every second. Adding to that 107 million use LinkedIn in USA alone. LinkedIn's goal is to reach 3 billion registered users in the next decade. LinkedIn is very unique and their net revenue is 568 million dollars per revenue.
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    Social Media Creation Timeline

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    Social media creation timeline

    This timeline is about social media creation dates and 10 facts about all social media events, hope you enjoy this timeline!
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created in February 4, 2004. At the end of 2015 Facebook reached 1.59 billion users. Facebook created the first 360 degree video which started the trend of VR. This social media website is unique because there is something in Facebook that lets you "poke" a individual, this is to get their attention. Did you know Facebook is blue and white because the CEO has red and green color blindness. This social media website is so unique and is very popular because of it.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was made in February 14, 2005. Youtube has over a billion users, almost one third of all people on the internet! Google bought Youtube for billion dollars in stocks just after 18 months of its creation. You can navigate Youtube in more than 75 different languages. Youtube changed society and how we view the world and the society which makes youtube so famous.
  • Reddit

    Reddit was created in June 27, 2005.The Founders of Reddit actually faked Reddit being popular until they actually became popular, they would create fake accounts to look like they are popular. Reddit has only spent 500 dollars on advertising and all of that was for stickers. Commenting wasnt on Reddit until 6 months of its release to be a safe and secure website until people voted for comments. Reddit allowed people to share their ideas and life in a safe and fun way which makes it so popular.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created in July 17, 2006. Twitter was almost called "Friendstalker" because of the weird tweets people would send. Twitter's iconic bird logo is named after a sports legend, that bird is named after the basketball legend Larry Bird. The idea for Twitter was hatched on a slide at a playground, the owner was on a playground slide when he got the idea to make twitter. Twitter turned social media into a different thing and people looked at it differently (negatively and positively)
  • WhatsApp

    WhatsApp was created in January 15, 2009. There are 50 people employed currently. There are over 400 million users in WhatsApp. Sequoia Capital invested 8 million dollars in 2011. 32 engineers worked on WhatsApp. one engineer is responsible for 14 million active users! WhatsApp was a huge step for family members who have different phones (ios and android) it allowed families to communicate easier even if they don't have the same brand phone.
  • Pinterest

    Pinterest was created in March 3, 2010. Pinterest is the fastest growing website to get employees to join. Pinterest is the second fastest social network to get lots of user growth. PInterest can also be a shop to sell things and a place to show your arts and crafts. Pinterest was like reddit but less popular, today you usually see recipes or homework questions on this social media website.
  • Instagram

    Instagram was created in October 6, 2010. 32% of all internet users are on Instagram. Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 29. Currently Instagram is one of the most popular social media's today. Instagram is the same as twitter but way more popular for the young people and middle school students.
  • Viber

    Viber was created in December 2, 2010. VIber is one of the most famous Messaging apps. The free voice calling feature made it more famous. Viber is one of the only messaging services that can be downloaded on a computer. Viber is the one of the only challengers who challenge Skype. Viber is just a copy of Whatsapp but is still very good with better security, making it popular.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat was created in September 14, 2011. Snapchat took 34 failed attempts to make the Snapchat we know today. Snapchat was first called Picaboo as an ios only app. Over 100 million people use Snapchat everyday. Over 1 billion Snaps are taken per day. Snapchat (in my opinion) is the best place to share your thoughts, every age uses this app and it is a very popular site.