Slaughterhouse Five Timeline

  • Billy was born

    Billy was born
    He was born in Ilium, New York where he was the only child of a barber. He was also funny looking.
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    Slaughterhouse 5 Timeline

    The important events that happen throughout the story.
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    He is an optometry school student in upstate New York when he is drafted to the army for World War 2.
  • Stuck behind enemy lines

    Stuck behind enemy lines
    Billy and two others stray from the group and get caught behind enemy lines. They get captured and sent to a POW compound and eventually end up living in an abandoned slaughterhouse.
  • Billy becomes unstuck in time

    Billy becomes unstuck in time
    When leaning against a tree Billy all of a sudden falls through time. This is his first experience being unstuck in time.
  • Honorable discharge

    Honorable discharge
    Billy was honorably discharged and reenrolled in the Ilium School of Optometry. Here he meets the school founders daughter who he gets married to.
  • Billy meets Kilgore Trout

    Billy meets Kilgore Trout
    Billy was driving down an alley in Ilium where he then helps Kilgore deliver papers. Kilgore was Billy's favorite author and Kilgore was surprised Billy knew who he was. Billy invites Kilgore over to his house for a party.
  • Billy gets kidnapped

    Billy gets kidnapped
    Billy is kidnapped by the Tralfamadore. This is where he meets Montana Wildhack. He gets lectured about earthlings and their ways.
  • The crash

    The crash
    Billy gets into a plane crash on his way to an optometry conference in Montreal and is left with a terrible skull fracture. Billy claims to have heard polish people on the plane bringing it back to 1968 when a polish person was being hung in Dresden.
  • Valencia dies

    Valencia dies
    On her way to visit Billy at the hospital she crashes her car and is killed from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Billy dies

    Billy dies
    Paul Lazzaro swore he would kill Billy and finally sent someone to his front door to shoot him.