
Sister Irene

  • Irene McCormack is born in Kununoppin, W.A.

    Irene McCormack is born in Kununoppin, W.A.
  • Period: to

    The Life of Irene McCormack

  • Irene becomes a postulant for the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

  • Irene receives her vows as a novice.

  • Irene takes her first vows.

  • Irene takes her final vows.

    Irene takes her final vows.
  • Irene graduates from the University of W.A.

    Irene graduates from the University of W.A.
  • Irene teaches year 9 at South Perth.

  • Irene becomes the principal of Kearnan College

    Irene becomes the principal of Kearnan College
  • Sister Irene travels to Peru to work with those in need.

    Sister Irene travels to Peru to work with those in need.
  • Irene is executed by terrorists in Peru.