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Shakespeare's Macbeth Timeline

  • Mar 5, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 1

    Act 1, Scene 1
    In the first scene, we find "The Three Wyrd Witches" they are performing a chant and they mention that they will soon meet Macbeth.
  • Mar 5, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 2

    Act 1, Scene 2
    In scene 2, we are at a military camp near the palace at Forres. King Duncan of Scotland encounters a wounded soldier and asks him how the battle between Scotland and the Irish led by Macdonwald went. The injured man replies the the Scotish generals Macbeth and Banquo fought with courage and fought violently. He also states that Macbeth defeated Macdonwald. Duncan decides to put the Thane of Cawdor to death and grant Macbeth with his title.
  • Mar 5, 1056

    Act1, Scene 3

    Act1, Scene 3
    The three witches await the arrival of Macbeth. Once Macbeth and Banquo arrive, the witches hail Macbeth as Thane of Glamis and also as Thane of Cawdor which stuns Macbeth greatly. The witches the announce that Macbeth would be king soon. Without giving anymore information the witches turn towards Banquo. they state that he will not be king but that his children will one day claim the throne. Macbeth demands more information but the witches vanish before them.
  • Period: Mar 5, 1056 to Mar 6, 1056

    Act 1, The Prophecy, The Decision.

  • Mar 6, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 4

    Act 1, Scene 4
    King Duncan meets Macbeth and Banquo to thank them on their courage and sucess in battle. He goes on to announce that he plans to make Malcolm his future heir. Macbeth shows some forme of joy but in reality he knows that Malcolm stands between him and obtaining the crown.
  • Mar 6, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 6

    Act 1, Scene 6
    King Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle and Lady Macbeth greets him with amazing hospitality. She displays great character and really shows Duncan her hapiness for having him over. Duncan is pleased by the hospitality and he wishes to see Macbeth who he admires very much.
  • Mar 6, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 7

    Act 1, Scene 7
    During dinner, Macbeth remains alone and contemplates whether to kill King Duncan, his ambition grows but o does his guilt. He does not wish to betray his kng. Soon after, Lady MAcbeth arrives to tell Macbeth that the king was looking for him. MAcbeth says that he will not kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth is furious, she states that Macbeth is a coward and is hardly a man. She then explains her plan and Macbeth was stunned by its brilliance so he agrres to go through with the murder.
  • Mar 6, 1056

    Act 1, Scene 5

    Act 1, Scene 5
    Lady Macbeth is informeed via messenger about all the events that have happened from her husband. She knows that her husband is ambitious but she also knows that he may not take the steps necessary to become king. She places the deep thoughts in her mind that she will do anything to convince her husband to take the crown, so he can be king and her queen. Lady Macbeth makes her plans to kill Duncan as he visits their castle for dinner. She takes full control.
  • Mar 7, 1056

    Act 2, Scene 1

    Act 2, Scene 1
    Macbeth and Banquo manage to talk about the influence of the three witches but they do not go in detail about the witches influence yet. Although it is apparent because king Duncan was dreaming about them in his sleep. At that moment, Macbeth has a vision of a dagger appear in front of him that is pointed towards Duncan. He wonders if it is a real dagger or possibly just his mind playing tricks.
  • Mar 7, 1056

    Act 2, Scene 2

    Act 2, Scene 2
    Lady Macbeth arrives as Macbeth is about to murder Duncan. She had told Macbeth to plant the daggers with the chamberlain but Macbeth forgot as he lost his head after killing Duncan. So, Lady Macbeth does it for him. Macbeth yells as he kills Duncan and his wife was worried that the cry would sell them out. Macbeth also mentions that he heard a voice as he killed Duncan that spoke to him. Lady Macbeth just tries to keep her husband sane so no suspision is drawn to them.They clean the blood later
  • Period: Mar 7, 1056 to Mar 8, 1056

    Act 2, The Plot

  • Mar 8, 1056

    Act 2, Scene 3

    Act 2, Scene 3
    Macduff discovers Duncan body and alerts everyone. Lady Macbeth puts on a show as she express her sadness for the horrible event. Malcolm and Donalbain are informed of thheir fathers murder and they decide to flee so they are not also killed. Macbeth explains that he killed the chamberains in his rage which brings incredible suspision towards him which Macduff notices. Everyone is in a state of chaos and they wish to resolve this murder as a top priority. Macbeth nearly blew it with his reaction
  • Mar 8, 1056

    Act 2, Scene 4

    Act 2, Scene 4
    Ross explains that the recent events have left him uneasy, their is possibly an unnatural force at work. He then informs Macbeth that he was named king by other lords and the chamberlains werer most likely paid off by someone to kill Duncan. The suspision now falls off Macbeth and rises on the two brothers that fled, Malcolm and Donalbain.
  • Mar 9, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 2

    Act 3, Scene 2
    Lady Macbeth begins to feel guilt for the past events so she calls her husband to discuss. Macbeth tells her not to worry, although he killed Duncan he does not feel safe as of yet, so he tells his wife his plans foor Fleance and Banquo and insures her that they will be safe who all his opposing threats are vanquished.
  • Mar 9, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 1

    Act 3, Scene 1
    Bsnquo is contemplating on the witches prophecy seeing as Macbeth is now king and that everything they've predicted has indeed come true. Lady Macbeth invites him to a feist to celbrate and Banquo agrees but goes fpr a ride first. Once they leave, Macbeth calls in his guest who are murderers he hired. He orders them to kill his former friend along with his son Fleance who he thinks pose a threat to his crown He knows that the witches are right so he does everything in his power to keep his crown
  • Period: Mar 9, 1056 to Mar 11, 1056

    Act 3, The Reign of Macbeth

  • Mar 10, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 3

    Act 3, Scene 3
    Banquo and Fleance are returning from their ride on their horses, they dismount them and at that momemnt three shady men appear from the darkness. They attack Banquo and in his dying moments he urges his son to flee and avenge his death. The murderers claim Banquo's body and set out to tell Macbeth the news.
  • Mar 11, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 4

    Act 3, Scene 4
    As dinner starts, the murderers enter the room and Macbeth speaks with them alone. He learns about Fleance's escape and it angers him. Once he returns to the table, he sees Banquo's ghost and begins to shout and act crazy which is starting to scare his guest. When the ghost leaves, Lady Mcbeth makes an excause for her huband. The ghost reappears and Macbethncontinues to yell and his wife continues to make excuses for him. Later, Macbeth informs his wife that he will pay the witches a visit.
  • Mar 11, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 5

    Act 3, Scene 5
    The witches meet with Hecate, who appears to be their ruler. Hecate is not pleased with the witches meddling with Macbeth without her consent so she takes over the supervision and tells the witches that when Macbeth comes romorrow to fill him with a false sense of security using visions.
  • Mar 11, 1056

    Act 3, Scene 6

    Act 3, Scene 6
    Lennox discusses with a lord about the past events. Banquo's murder was officially blamed on Fleance who fled and is nowhere to be found. Although, they both think that it was Macbeth who was responsible for this murder and even Duncan's murder.The lord tells Lennox that Macduff is on his way to England for aid from Malcolm and England's king to put an end to Macbeth tyranny.
  • Mar 12, 1056

    Act 4, Scene 1

    Act 4, Scene 1
    Macbeth visits the witxhes for insight because he fears he will be taken over. The witches create a special brew that shows Mcbeth three visions. Macbeth learns that he can only be stopped by a man who is not born of a woman. Macbeth demands the witches to explain the visions but they disappear before him. Lennox arrrives and tells Macbeth that Macduff is heading to England so MAcbeth decides to tell the murderers to go to Macduff's castle and murder his whole family.
  • Period: Mar 12, 1056 to Mar 16, 1056

    Act 4, Macbeth, The Tyrant

  • Mar 13, 1056

    Act 4, Scene 2

    Act 4, Scene 2
    Lady Macduff demands to know her husband's whereabouts but no one can tell her. She then receives a letter urging her to leave because she is in danger but it was too late. The muderers come out from the shadows and kill Macduff's son for speaking about his father and then Lady Macduff attemps to flee but her efforts are wasted as she is brutallly killed.
  • Mar 16, 1056

    Act 4, Scene 3

    Act 4, Scene 3
    Macduff and Malcolm meet up in England, fist they have to know that they an trust each other. MAlcolm does not think he would be fit to be king but they make it clear that he must return. Ross shows up and tells Macduff that his family is doing well abd when Malcolm decides to come with the aid of a great number of englsih soldiers, Ross tells the truth to Macduff telling him his family was murdered. Mscduff then swears he will get revenge on Macbeth.
  • Mar 17, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 1

    Act 5, Scene 1
    Lady Macbeth's guilt overwhelms her from the constant killings her husband has made. At night, she sleep walks moaning about the deaths of Banquo and Lady Macduff and she claims to have blood on her hands that she cannot wash off.
  • Period: Mar 17, 1056 to Mar 20, 1056

    Act 5, The One Not Born From A Women

  • Mar 18, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 2

    Act 5, Scene 2
    Outside the castle, the lords discusse the situation,the English army is coming led by Malcolm. Macbethhas fortified Dunsinane Castle and is making his stand there.
  • Mar 18, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 3

    Act 5, Scene 3
    Mscbeth believes he has nothing to fear from the army that is describe as ten thousand englishmen because he can only be harmed by man not born of a woman, so he feel cofident. He demands that the doctor cure his wife Lady Macbeth of her dillusions
  • Mar 19, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 4

    Act 5, Scene 4
    In the country near Birnam Wood, Malcolm talks withSiwardabout Macbeth’s plan to defend the castle. They decide that each soldier should cut down a bough of the forest and carry it in front of him as they march to the castle,
  • Mar 19, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 5

    Act 5, Scene 5
    Seyton appears to tell Macbeth that the queen is dead.A messenger enters with news that the trees of Birnam Wood are advancing toward Dunsinane. Enraged and terrified, Macbeth recalls the prophecy that said he could not die till Birnam Wood moved to Dunsinane.
  • Mar 20, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 6

    Act 5, Scene 6
    Outside the castle, the battle starts. Malcolm orders the English soldiers to draw their swords. They begin their attack on Macbeth.
  • Mar 20, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 7

    Act 5, Scene 7
    On the battlefield, Macbeth strikes those around him vigorously, because no man born of woman can harm him. He kills Lord Siward’s son and disappears into the battle.
  • Mar 20, 1056

    Act 5, Scene 8

    Act 5, Scene 8
    Macbeth encounters Macduff. They fight, and when Macbeth insists that he is invincible because of the witches’ prophecy, Macduff tells Macbeth that he was not of woman born, Macbeth suddenly fears for his life, but he declares that he will not surrender. Malcolm and Siward walk together in the castle, Ross tells Siward that his son is dead. Macduff comes out and Macbeth is killed and gives Malcolm King of Scotland.