China flag

Sebastian Montoya

  • Fall of the Qing Dynasty

    Fall of the Qing Dynasty
    In February 12, 1912, the Nationalist Party of China, known as Kuomintang, overthew the Qing Dynasty, who had been in power since 1644. The Kuomintang was lead by a man named Sun Yixian who that year became president of the new Republic of China.
  • Period: to

    Road to Communist China

  • Yuan Shikai

    Yuan Shikai
    After only 6 weeks as president of China, Sun Yixian, gave up his title to Yuan Shikai, a powerfull general who betrayed demotcrastic priciples and by 1913 had already established a military dictatorship.
  • Yuan Shikais death brings chaos

    Yuan Shikais death brings chaos
    On June 6, 1916, Chinas dictator died. This created chaos because China was divided into many groups of Warlords who raided and looted everywhere, which led to millions of deaths not only due to violence but due to famine and starvation. This also left the Kuomintang powerles.
  • China helps the Allies

    (dont know exact date) In 1917, in hopes of an allied victory, the Chinese Government beggan to aid the them with the idea that due to that, they would return controll of China to its people. Unfortunatelly for them, the Allies didnt help them and this made the Chinese very upset.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    By May 4, word reachead that China had been left out of the treaty of Versailles. On this historical day, about 3000 students gathered in the center of Beijing to protest against western imperialism and Japan. This demonstration lead to many other revolts in other parts of China. This beggan a movement known as May the Fourth movement.
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    On this date, the treaty of Versallis was signed. This meant the end of the Great War, which is also known as World War I. This treaty was the one that didnt favor the chinese.
  • Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party

    Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party
    In 1920 small groups of young, communist students gathered in Shanghai to discuss marxists ideas and to try to form a communist party. This became really popular and by July on 1921, Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries founded the CCP. Now adays this is a major event in China.
  • Lenin becomes allies with China

    Lenin becomes allies with China
    While the CCP was forming, Sun Yixian and the Kuomintang formed a goverment in south China. Later he became dispointed with the western democracies and decided to merge the newly created CCP with the Kuomintang. Sun wanted help from European governments but he didnt recieve any, so he accepted an offer from the soviets to help them unite in order to promote a world wide revolution.
  • Death of Sun Yixian

    Death of Sun Yixian
    With the death of Sun Yixian, Chiang Kai-shek became leader of the Kuomintang. This complicated alot the merger because since hes allies were bankers and wealthy people who didnt want to lose their money. But he didnt turn against them until they fought the Warlords who were wrecking havock all over China.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The civil war was a period of time that lasted from 1928 to 1937 and from 1946 to 1949.
  • Jiang turns against the Communists

    Jiang turns against the Communists
    in April of 1928, Chiang Kai-shek and the nationalists beggan to raid Shanghai and kill communist leaders in order to prevent their goal. Almost every single communist was killed and the few who managed to survive, beggan to hide. This allowed him to become president of the Nationalist Republic of China. This pleased the US and England but the Soviet Union didnt like it due to the fact that they were communists. This massacre beggan a civil war that lasted until 1949
  • Period: to

    First part of the Chinese Civil War

  • The Long March

    The Long March
    During the civil war, in 1933 the nationalists managed to sorround the communist stronghold in the hills of south-central China where Mao Zedong was executing a plan called "swimming in the sea of the peasant". There, the communist had no other option than to make a 6000 mile long trek that lasted over a yearin which they crossed all of China and reached northwestern China, where they coulnt be bothered by the Natonalists. out od 100000 peole who beggan the march, 10000to30000managedtostay alive
  • Japanese Invation

    Japanese Invation
    In 1937, Japan ceased the opportunity to take lauch an invasion against China. Since the communists and the nationalists were fighting, the Japanese took over a large part of China. Thsi forced a temporary truce between them in order to kick-out the Japanese.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    The end of WWII and the defeat of the Japanese, meant that the Nationalists and Communists were able to resume their conflict.
  • Period: to

    Second Pert of the Chinese Civil War

  • Mao gains controll

    Mao gains controll
    Since the ending of WWII civil war was renewed and by October of 1949 Mao had taken over all of China, which meant the rise of the Peoples Repbublic of China.
  • Separation of China

    Separation of China
    After the civil war, China split into two, China and Taiwan, also known as Nationalist China. Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan where he died in April 5, 1975.
  • Maos Alliance with the Soviets

    Maos Alliance with the Soviets
    in February, 1950 the Soviets and the PRC signed the sino-soviet alliance wich was a treaty od peace between Soviet Russia an China.
  • Communists vs Nationalists

    With the signing of the sino-soviet treaty, the relationship between the US and the Soviets got even harder because they got a new ally who could help Russia in times of war, even more concidering the fact that it was the period of the Cold War.