Miley cyrus 2


  • Miley Cyrus was born.

    Miley Cyrus was born.
    Miley was born on November 28, 1992
  • Miley was 2 when she had her first "concert".

    Miley was 2 when she had her first "concert".
    Mileys dad took her to the Elvis Prestly tribute when she was 2.When her dad was singing the song Amazing Grace she broke away from her mammie and ran out on stage.
  • Miley becomes Hannah Montana.

    Miley becomes Hannah Montana.
    Disney Channel called Mileys family and asked miley to audition for the TV show Hannah Montana. Miley went to audition like 5 times until she finaly got the part of Miley Stewart/ Hannah Montana.Miley originaly tried outfor the part of Lily Trescot.
  • Billy ray Cyrus becomes Mileys dad on the show Hannah Montana.

    Billy ray Cyrus becomes Mileys dad on the show Hannah Montana.
    When Miley got the part of Miley Stewart/ Hannah Montana on the TV show she wanted her dad to be her dad on the TV show too. So she made her dad try out for the part of Billy Ray Stewart and he got it!
  • Hannah Montana series comes out.

    Hannah Montana series comes out.
    March 24, 2006 was when the Hannah Montana series came out.
  • the first hannah montana episode

    the first hannah montana episode
    March 31, was when the first Hannah Montana episode came out.
  • Hannah Montana won the award for favorite TV actress

    Hannah Montana won the award for favorite TV actress
    On June 3, 2007 Hannah Montana won the award for most favroite TV actress.
  • Mileys pappy (grandpa) died. :(

    Mileys pappy (grandpa) died.  :(
    When Mileys Pappy died she wrote a song for her pappy. He said that he was determined to hear the song before he died. Unfourtantaly he died before the song was finished but mileys dad managed to play a few chords to him before he died. The song was called I Miss You.
  • Mileys first Hannah Montana concert

    Mileys first Hannah Montana concert
    Miley had her first Hannah Montana concert on August 6, 2008.
  • Miley is currently Hannah Montana

    Miley is currently Hannah Montana
    Miley had a dream and she followed it till the end.