Rwanda Genocide

  • Pre-Genocide Event #1

    Pre-Genocide Event #1
    During the Belgian rule of Rwanda, the global decolonization period was taking place, which resulted in the Rwandan citizens wanting freedom from colonial rule.
  • Pre-Genocide Event #2

    Pre-Genocide Event #2
    The Tutsi and Belgian combined ruling was disadvantageous for the Hutu group (the majority of Rwanda), due to acts of unfairness being inflicted towards the Hutu group.
  • Pre-Genocide Event #3- Hutu Revolution

    Pre-Genocide Event #3- Hutu Revolution
    The Hutu Revolution was created in an attempt to act against the unfairness portrayed by the Tutsi and Belgian regimes. Therefore, the Hutu overthrew the Tutsi monarch, King Mutara Rudahiwa, by following a document emphasizing the need for Hutu to receive better conditions. Moreover, the overthrowing pushed the Tutsi towards Uganda and the Belgians towards Belgium.
  • Pre- Genocide Event #5: Hutu control in Rwanda

    Pre- Genocide Event #5: Hutu control in Rwanda
    Since the Hutu were primarily in charge of Rwanda's government via the overthrowing of the Tutsi ruler, the Hutu ethnic group elected President Gregoire Kayibanda predominantly.
  • Pre-Genocide Event #6: Hutu in Control of Rwanda (continued)

    Pre-Genocide Event #6: Hutu in Control of Rwanda (continued)
    After the ruling of President Gregoire Kayibanda, President Juvénal Habyarimana is elected and creates the National Revolutionary Movement for Development Party in order to introduce democracy and independence.
  • Pre- Genocide Event #7: Rwanda Civil War

    Pre- Genocide Event #7: Rwanda Civil War
    Following the Tutsi forming of the Rwandese Patriotic Front in Uganda, the Rwandese Patriotic Front moves towards Rwanda in order to gain Rwanda back under the control of the Tutsi. Accordingly, the start of the Rwandan Civil War takes place and is symbolized with battles.
  • Pre-Genocide Event #8: Conclusion of the Rwandan Civil War

    Pre-Genocide Event #8: Conclusion of the Rwandan Civil War
    The conclusion of the Rwandan Civil War took place as a result of the Hutu government and the Tutsi's Rwandese Patriotic Front faction coming to agreements via the Arusha truces (with help from the Organization of African Unity).
  • Cause and Starting of Genocide

    Cause and Starting of Genocide
    Hutu President: Juvénal Habyarimana, is assassinated over the capital city of Kigali by way of a missile strike on the President's airplane. Consequently, the genocide starts due to Hutu extremists becoming angered at the demise and blaming the Tutsi people.
  • Creation of Perpetrator Groups

    Creation of Perpetrator Groups
    In response to the demise of the Hutu president, the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi perpetrator groups were formed and used propaganda in order to gain support from civilians. Evidently, approximately 800,000 people were victimized and were evacuated to Uganda once more.
  • World Involvement and Rwandese Patriotic Front

    World Involvement and Rwandese Patriotic Front
    The world did not intervene and specifically took UNAMIR forces from Rwanda. Under these circumstances, the Rwandese Patriotic Front faction had to support Rwanda again and take control of the government.
  • Ending of Rwandan Genocide

    Ending of Rwandan Genocide
    The Rwandan Genocide was concluded with an attack by the Rwandese Patriotic Front and hence the restoring of peace in Rwanda. Furthermore, Tutsi President, Paul Kagame, was elected in order to get rid of the National Revolutionary Movement for Development Party and form a new constitution.
  • World Reaction

    World Reaction
    Subsequently, UNAMIR 2 was developed in order to rebuild Rwanda's Infrastructure and the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda was created.