
Rwanda Genocide

  • Belgium takes over Rwanda

    Belgium takes over Rwanda during the WWI where there are two similar ethnic groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis. They spoke the same language and same traditions. The Tutsis were more physically similar to Europeans, taller and thinner, and the Hutus had a bigger nose and were shorter. This brought advantages to the Tutsis, like a better education and a say in government. This division marked a separation between these two ethnic groups and a great resentment between them for their coming history.
  • Bahutu Manifesto

    Bahutu Manifesto
    A political manifesto produced by 9 Hutu intellectuals denouncing the exploitation of the Hutus by the Tutsi. This document was adressed to vicegovernor of Rwanda in the time. (Note: in this time Rwanda wan under the control of Belgium)
  • Riots between Hutus and Tutsies

    Riots between Hutus and Tutsies
    The long resentment between Hutus and Tutsis caused a series of riots that ended up in the death of 20,000 Tutsis.
  • Tutsi monarchy is abolished

    Tutsi monarchy is abolished
    An election is held resulting in the abolishment of the Tutsi monarchy. Dominique Mbonyumutwa becomes the provisional president of Rwanda.
  • Belgium grants independence to Rwanda

    Belgium grants independence to Rwanda
    The colonial governmentestablished by Belgiums ends.
  • Tutsi attack kills thousands

    Tutsi attack kills thousands
    In 1963, following a Tutsi guerilla attack in Burundi, an anti-Tutsi backlash kills thousands. The killing was done mostly with machetes.
  • Coup d'etat to Grégoire Kayibanda

    Coup d'etat to Grégoire Kayibanda
    Grégoire Kayibanda is overthrown. Juvénal Habyarimana becomes the new President of Rwanda.
  • The Rwandan Civil War starts

    The Rwandan Civil War starts
    The Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) makes an attack from Uganda, starting the Rwandan Civil War.
  • Habyarimana signed the Arusha Accords

    Habyarimana signed the Arusha Accords
    President Habyarimana, a Hutu, signed the Arusha Accords with the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front), led by Tutsis, which weakened the power of the Hutus and enabled the Tutsis to participate in government affairs.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    The RPF and president Habyarimana sign the Arisha Accords in Tanzania, ending the civil war.
  • Death of President Habyarimana

    Death of President Habyarimana
    President Habyarimana, a Hutu, was in a flight. The plane was shot, and the president died.This was the immediate cause of the violence between the Hutus and the Tutsies. It's said that Paul Kagame, a Tutsi, launched the attack.
  • Period: to

    Rwanda Genocide

    The actual genocide took place.
    It started in the capital of Rwanda, Kigali. The Interahamwe, an extremist Hutu, anti-Tutsi organization started the shootings in Kigali. Killings were mostly done with machetes, clubs or knives.
  • A hutu becomes president

    A hutu becomes president
    The hutu Théodore Sindikubwabo becomes interim President of Rwanda.
  • Period: to

    Flee of foreigners out of the country

    European troops went into Rwanda and escorted out the foreign civilians. Europeans and Americaan who lived in Rwanda went out of the contry.
  • Tutsi rebel group captures capital

    Tutsi rebel group captures capital
    A Tutsi-led rebel group captures the capital of Rwanda, Kigali. The government collapsed and fire ceased.
  • The RPF forms a new goverment

    The RPF forms a new goverment
    The RPF creates a provisional government and Pasteur Bizimungu becomes President of Rwanda.
  • The RPF controls the whole of Rwanda.

    The RPF controls the whole of Rwanda.
    The RPF finally controls all Rwanda and governs it with its provisional government.
  • The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is established.

    The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is established.
    The United Nations Security Council creates the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, an international court to judge people who violated international law during the Rwandan Genocide.
  • UN admits Rwanda Genocide Failure

    UN admits Rwanda Genocide Failure
    UN accepted that the Rwanda Genocide could have been prevented. 2,500 UN peacemakers were in Rwanda at the moment, and were taken out of the Rwanda when 10 Belgian soldiers were killed.