Runner Timeline

  • Charlie's dad dies

    Charlie's dad dies
    Charlie's father dies after being infected with the Spanish Flu
  • Charlie tries out for a job opportunity for Squizzy Taylor

    Charlie tries out for a job opportunity for Squizzy Taylor
    Charlie, Norman, Barlow and others compete to win their place as Squizzy Taylor's employee. Charlie wins and therefore gets offered the job
  • Charlie makes friends with Norman

    Charlie makes friends with Norman
    Charlie and Norman introduce each other and talk politely, and they understood each other quite well.
  • Charlie gives his mother the letter from Squizzy Taylor

    Charlie gives his mother the letter from Squizzy Taylor
    The letter asks for permission to have Charlie work for Squizzy Taylor.
  • Norman and Charlie play a game of footy

    Norman and Charlie play a game of footy
    Norman meets with Charlie in his house and they go to play footy in Barkly Gardens. During this, they were intruded by Barlow and his goons,. They escaped from what could have been a fatal attack
  • Squizzy Taylor bought Charlie new shoes

    Squizzy Taylor bought Charlie new shoes
    Dolly hands Charlie new shoes which were from Squizzy Taylor.
  • Mr peacock assaulted Charlie's mother

    Mr peacock assaulted Charlie's mother
    After showing his aggravation towards Charlie, Mr Peacock finally let loose. He assaulted Charlie's mother. Charlie then beat him up with a cricket bat.
  • Charlie and Norman's parents attend a footy match

    Charlie and Norman's parents attend a footy match
    Norman plays for Richmond and their team are versing the team of Fitzroy. Charlie and Norman's parents watch in the sidelines.
  • Charlie asks Mr Cornwall for Squizzy Taylor's money

    Charlie asks Mr Cornwall for Squizzy Taylor's money
    Cahrlie runs to Aice's bakery shop, where he must ask Mr Cornwall for money. But when he does ask, Alice's father loses control and attempts to attack Charlie. Alice calms him down, and Charliw leaves with nothing.
  • Mr and Mrs Redmond give Charlie a new gramophone

    Mr and Mrs Redmond give Charlie a new gramophone
    Thinking it would help him with his boxing training, the Redmonds buy Charlie a brand new gramophone.
  • Squizzy Taylor yells at Charlie

    Squizzy Taylor yells at Charlie
    Squizzy Taylor gets mad after finding out that Kenneth Cornwall was already paid by Charlie.
  • Norman gets attacked by Jimmy Barlow and his goons

    Norman gets attacked by Jimmy Barlow and his goons
    After a run for Squizzy Taylor, while returning, they were encountered by Jimmy Barlow and his gang. Charlie and Norman tried to run away, but only Charlie could get away. Norman was left fatally wounded.
  • Alice visits Charlie in his hosue

    Alice visits Charlie in his hosue
    Alice comes over to Charlie's house to say sorry about the attack and show her sympathy. Charlie's mom plays music in the gramophone, and then Charlie and Alice both leave to visit Norman.
  • Charlie attends the Ballarat Mile and wins it

    Charlie attends the Ballarat Mile and wins it
    After competing in two heats, Charlie won both, therefore coming first in the entire competition.
  • Charlie and Norman open their very own Timber yard

    Charlie and Norman open their very own Timber yard
    They both reveal that they own a timber yard which is shared between the two families.