

  • Charlie's dad dies

    Charlie's dad dies
    Charlie's dad dies from the Spanish flu
  • Charlie competes in the race

    Charlie competes in a race to get a job at Squizzy Taylor's
  • Charlie wins the race

    Charlie gets the job at Squizzy Taylor's
  • Charlie makes a new friend

    Charlie meets Norman (nostrils) at the race for the job at Squizzy Taylor's. Charlie and nostrils become friends
  • Charlie asks his mum for permission

    Charlie asked his mum for permission to work for Squizzy
  • Nostrils and Charlie play a game of footy

    Nostrils and Charlie play a game of footy at Barkly gardens. While they were playing Barlow interrupted and took Charlie's football, unfortunately Charlie couldn't get his footy back but he escaped from Barlow.
  • Barlow intrudes

    Barlow interrupts Charlie and Normans footy game, he threatened to bash them up, fortunately Charlie and Norman got away.
  • Charlie does his first liquor run

    Charlie and Norman do their first liquor run for Squizzy Taylor..
  • Norman's footy game

    Norman got a place in the Richmond footy club. He had a game one morning and Charlie had come to watch.
  • Charlie meets Alice

    Charlie meets a pretty girl with the name of Alice at Normans footy game, he seems like he is in love with her at first sight.
  • Charlie collects money

    Squizzy Taylor sends Charlie to collect money for him, Charlie meets Alice (the girl from the footy game), when he goes to collect money from her dads shop
  • Charlie takes boxing lessons

    Charlie takes boxing lessons from mr.reddmond
  • Another liquor run

    Charlie and nostrils go for another liquor run
  • Nostrils gets bashed

    Barlow bashed up by Barlow
  • Nostrils is in hospital

    Nostrils gets admitted in hospital