

  • Birth

    In 1858 Roosevelt was born in Manhattan, New York.
  • Back from the war

    Back from the war
    At 40 years old Roosevelt returns form the Spanish-American war known as a hero.
  • President

    After Mincklys assassination by Leon Czolosg Roosevelt became president.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    In 1902, a year into Roosevelts presidency, the coal workers went on strike in hope of gaining benefits, better working conditions & higher pay. The lack of coal to the community caused an energy crisis.
  • "Teddy"

    When Roosevelt went hunting and a bear was finally captured Roosevelt was told he was supposed to shoot it. He refused to do so and he got the nickname "teddy" because of that
  • Wild life

    Wild life
    During Roosevelts time as president, Pelican Isalnd in Florida was named the first wildlife refugee.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins Act stated the railroads that allowed the ICC to impose large fines on railroads that offered rebates and with the shippers who offered rebates too.
  • First term

    First term
    In 1904 Roosevelt wins the first president to serve a full term.
  • Yosemite

    Yosemite National park was placed under the federal governments power.
  • Pure Food Drug Act

    Pure Food Drug Act
    The pure food and drug act was passed and intended to make the food we ate healthier and safer.
  • Devils Tower

    Devils Tower
    Devils tower was the first national landmark, they tried to turn it into a national park but there wasn't enough support for it.
  • No longer president

    In 1908 Teddy decides that he is done being president. After his presidency Teddy travels to Africa to lead expeditions.
  • Bull Moose

    Bull Moose
    In 1912 Roosevelt comes back and tries to run for presidency. He tries to run for the Bull Moose party but doesn't succeed. Roosevelt loses to William Taft.