Rise of the Internet: 2014 and beyond! A Timeline by Kevin Rothlisberger

  • Internet.org announced by Facebook

    Internet.org announced by Facebook
    Facebook announced a new initiative to bring internet to 2/3s of the world that do not have internet access.
  • Instagram reaches 400 big ones

    Instagram reaches 400 big ones
    Instagram reaches 400 million viewers
  • Instagram Filters

    Instagram Filters
    wokeuplikethis also became popular due to so many people using filters to share pictures and videos.
  • Microsoft releases Windows 10

    Microsoft releases Windows 10
    Microsoft and software developers have certainly reaped the most rewards from the growth in technology, and they apply those earnings to a better experience for users.
  • Vine dries up

    Vine dries up
    Due to the inability of matching the growth of it's main competition (Snapchat) Twitter closed Vine for good.
  • TikTok around the Clock

    TikTok around the Clock
    The app TikTok is born that allows for user to create 5-15 minute videos
  • Nintendo releases Switch

    Nintendo releases Switch
    Nintendo releases a gaming console named Switch. Video Gamers have definitely enjoyed the success of internet in making the gaming experience not only more enjoyable, but easier to use. With an evergrowing fan-base.
  • MySpace loses 53 million

    MySpace loses 53 million
    MySpace lost all music uploads from 2003 until 2015. An event they are predicting will happen agin in the near future.