Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1095


    As a way to make money, the Catholic church decided that they would sell small pieces of paper called indulgences. These small pieces of paper said that since you bought that piece of paper would you have a faster time of getting to heaven. If you had an Indulgence the church would preach that you would not be going to hell ever, that the only place you would go was heaven. The first known indulgence that was sold was in 1095 and grew more popular over the years. (Martin Luther Notes)
  • 1285


    Salvino D'Armate was the first person to invent the eyeglasses. The first design entailed just a little tiny two ring glasses that you would hold in your hands. The first eyeglass was made in 1285 but was not popular until a few years later. After many years the eyeglasses changed and now we have the glasses we use today.(Project flyers)
  • 1300

    Arranged marriages

    Arranged marriages
    Arranged marriages were a popular view on "love" during the renaissance. These marriages were set up by your family to ensure protection and some times a dowery would be involved will giving your daughter to a male specimen that the family thought is suitable. Link text
  • 1300

    Social Classes

    Social Classes
    There are three different types of social classes in the renaissances.There is nobility, this contains the kings and queens and also the nobles.This is on 2-3% of the population back then. the second-highest class is the townspeople, which would contain Patricians, Burghers, workers, and the unemployed.This was only 7-13% of the population. The lowest social class was the peasants, they had very poor wages and were farm work hands.This was 85-90% of the population.(Life in the renaissance Notes)
  • 1301

    Political Conflict

    Political Conflict
    As the church and government are two sperate this there was a time when people could not see the fine line between church and government. As the Papacy would jump around from place to place many followers of Catholicism believe that the King was starting to control the church and the doings of the church.
  • 1377

    Three Popes

    Three Popes
    In 1301 there was lots of drama happening with taxes and communication between the King and the Pope. Finally where the pope lived and taught got moved and then many people thought that the church was being controlled by the king. In 1377 the papacy moved back to the original setting. After Pope Gregory died the cardinals elected another pope to be over the pope in Rome because they did not like him, after this, the Catholics ended up with three popes. (Martin Luther Notes)
  • 1400


    Trade helped influence many things in the daily life of many people in the renaissances. It influenced how people would continue their teachings it also started to change war far and culture all around the world. Many people would move to trade centers to make a larger profit to live off of in everyday life. The trade centers included Florence, Venice, East Asia, and China. (Life during the renaissance notes)
  • 1411

    Sforza family

    Sforza family
    The Sforza family was wealthy who also controled the papal states and Milan.Sforza's paid for Lenardo Da Vinci to paint the last supper.The Sforza would use proaganda to get many different types of artist to make memorial buildings in the Sforza name.As Artists did many things for the patrons after time they started to gain respect from all differnt types of people for the passion they had with painting.(
  • 1434

    Medici family

    Medici family
    The Medici family did many good things for the arts in the renaissances. As the Medici's being patrons they are still believed to be one of the greatest around. They supported many people like Donatello and Michelangelo and many more. Without the Medicis and other patrons of the art, many of the art projects that are famous to this day would not have been able to be made and loved by all.Link text
  • 1450

    Printing Press

    The printing press help Martin Luther create more followers and spread the word about all the wrongdoings of the church. The printing press helped the reformation of the catholic church by causing the spread of what was happening and how it should have been. (Martin Luther Notes) Link text
  • Mar 6, 1475


    The famous artist Michelangelo was born on March 6th of 1475. Michelangelo was the first renaissance artist to become famous. He started at the age of 13 while he was observing and learning from other artists. When he was 15, just a teenager, he made his first profit from making two different cultures. Link text
  • 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther was a religious figure called the catholic church out for many things they were doing wrong. Luther wrote many things that went against the church's teachings and practices. He was excommunicated from the catholic church in 1521. After being excommunicated Luther translated the bib;e in German causing more nad more people to follow him even if he was excommunicated. Soon they started Lutherism, now it is called Lutheran. (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Apr 6, 1483


    Raphael was born on April 6th of 1483. Raphael observed people at a young age and once he turned 11 he was a much more known painter than his father already. As he was still in his teens he was know as one of the best artists in town. In many of Raphael's paintings he was inspired by Michaelangelo. Link text
  • Jun 6, 1504


    David is a sculpture that was created by Michelangelo when he was only 26 years old. The sculpture is 15 feet tall and is made of marble that resembles the biblical hero David. There were supposed to be more objects like David but Michelangelo got distracted with another piece of artwork.Link text
  • Nov 11, 1508

    Stanze (Rooms)

    Stanze (Rooms)
    The rooms were done and stayed in by Raphael. These rooms were painted for many different people and many different themes. The rooms have a political and religious view of paining which covers the walls. link text
  • Nov 6, 1512

    Sistine chapel

    Sistine chapel
    The ceiling for the chapel was started in 1508 and finished in 1512. Michelangelo was not known for his work with a brush he was known for work with sculptures. He was hired to paint the ceiling because some of his rival artists wanted to see him fail and wanted him to leave Rome for good after. He painted the beginning of the Earth al the way to the flood with Noah. Link text
  • 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote 95 things he found wrong within the catholic church. Many people believed that what Martin Luther was preaching should be a new law and he gained many followers after he wrote many pieces of work. As he wrote this piece he did not want to destroy the church but only start a talk about the things on theses. (Martin Luther Notes)
  • 1543

    Copernican Revolution

    Copernican Revolution
    Nicholas Copernicus made a scientific discovery that we can prove to this day. He stated that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the Earth. The planets were moving in patterns not eclipses like today. Rather than the Earth being the center of the universe, he stated that the Earth was the spot for the center of gravity though. Link text
  • Microscope

    The first microscope was built in 1950 by Hans Lippershey. Hans had the idea for this because he was a glassmaker before he made it. It was made to observe insects and their movements up close and bigger. (Project Flyer)
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet is an iconic love story between two teenagers who are set apart by their two parents who have a raging feud for years. This play was written between 1591 and 1595. The award-winning play has changed in multiple ways over the years, many versions in many different timelines. Link text
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet was written between 1599 and 1602 by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is thought to be inspired by his sons and his father's death. There are rumors going around everywhere that Shakespear would revamp old plays and make them his and many people's theories have gone around about the famous literary work is just another copycat piece of work.Link text
  • Macbeth

    Macbeth is not a love story like Romeo and Juliet that was also written by Williams Shakespear, Macbeth is a war story about how he crossed so many people just to become the king. This play was studied then and now for so many different reasons. High schoolers learned this material just to see what it was like during the renaissances and how writing has changed from then to now. Link text
  • Lutheranism

    As Luther was excommunicated he decided to translate the bible into german so everyone was able to read and understand what the bible was trying to say. As Luther had many followers they started a new church called Lutheranism, this caused many debating from the Catholics who finally started a war with the Lutherans. (Martin Luther Notes)
  • Kepler’s laws

    Kepler’s laws
    Johannes Kepler Created Kepler's laws. These laws stated all the orbits of the planet around the sun. For the laws to happen Kelpler had to be one of the first to mix physics and astronomy all into one to make a scientific discovery. How Kepler made his laws he theories were used for many other things like Issac Newton to make his laws about gravity.Link text
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo is a well-known scientist to this day but in his day he was not allowed to leave his house on many occasions and was declared a heretic for thinking that the sun was the center of the universe.He published the Starry Messenger(1610) which said that Jupiter had four suns and the Moon had a rough surface.He also discovered that we can not see everything in the sky with a naked eye.Link text](
  • Adding Machine

    Adding Machine
    The adding Machine was created between 1642 and 1644 by Blaise Pascal. Blaise created this machine to help his father with his job (taxes). In the machine, there are dials that turn clockwise or counterclockwise depending on if you would be adding or subtracting numbers. (Project Flyer Maddy Wade)