Renaissance and Reformation

  • Feb 24, 1350

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Life was normal until the "black death" hit. Most of the cities population and work force was cut in half. Everything was on a "shut down". There was really no one could do without worrying about catching the "Black Death".
  • Feb 22, 1400

    Frescos (Masaccio)

    Frescos (Masaccio)
    He created the very first "master piece" of the early Renaissance.
  • Feb 22, 1416


    He was a sculpture who studied Greek and Roman statues. His most famous sculpture was the free standing statue of Saint George.
  • Period: Feb 16, 1443 to


    They had control of Italy city-states for a long time. They were among the most wealthy and powerful families during the renaissance.( notes Medici reading and review.)
  • Feb 15, 1450

    New Start

    New Start
    European scholars began to start thinking and studying the world around them. The art work started to change as well by getting more realistic and more personable. (notes Renaissance Reading & Review)
  • Feb 25, 1452

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    During the Renaissance writing was a big part. People where starting to write books and stories. When Luther rewrote the bible people used the printing press to mass produce it and it moved around faster.
  • Feb 15, 1453

    Fall of the Byzantine Empire

    Fall of the Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire fell to Muslims. Which made many Greek-speaking Christians to move into Italy.(notes Renaissance Reading & Review)
  • Feb 24, 1490


    During the Renaissance trade was a huge factor. Trade both helped with the common need of getting products and "selling" them as well. But the most important thing trade did was it spread the work of the changes that was happening around the world.
  • Feb 22, 1500


    About 90% of the population were peasants and they worked for other people but by about 1500 most peasants were legally free.
  • Feb 22, 1503

    Leonardo DaVinci

    Leonardo DaVinci
    Was known mostly for his painting being very realistic and capturing the human body as it is. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa.
  • Feb 22, 1508


    Was a artist/sculpture and he created several well known painting, but his most famous was the "creation"
  • Feb 22, 1509


    Raphael was mostly know for his paintings and descriptions on the Virgin Mary. His most know painting was The School of Athens.
  • Feb 15, 1513

    The Prince

    The Prince
    The book "The Prince" was written by Niccolo Machiavelli. The book was about how he feels a ruler should rule and how it will impact his rule.
  • Feb 25, 1517


    During the Renaissance the Catholic church sold Indulgence's. They sold them so that they could build a Cathedral. An indulgence is a document that lets the buyer or who ever they want it to be fore to not have to pass through purgatory or at least make the stay there in little time.
  • Feb 25, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    When Martin Luther was trying to change the Church he created the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses was what Luther wanted the people to know about the church and how they could do things and make it to heaven and not have to buy indulgences. He put the Theses on the door of the Wittenburg cathedral doors.
  • Feb 25, 1520

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a German monk who lived in Wittenburg, Germany. Luther had many different views on religion and how to go about it. So he made an effort to "fight" the Catholic Church to change their ways and he did and made his own "religion" the Lutheran church.
  • Feb 25, 1522

    New Bible

    New Bible
    During Luther's "change" he rewrote the bible. he took the original bible that was write in Latin and rewrote it in German. He thought that the German people should be able to read it them selves and so they can follow.