Recorded History Amina Pajazitovic

By Aminap
  • 1440 A.D

    1440 A.D- Gutenberg of Germany invents a printing press that can copy a page multiple times. This is significant because of the things they invented. The first printed was the Bible.
  • 1347 A.D

    A plague reaches Italy. The disease spreads very quickly killing many people.
  • 1291 A.D

    Fall of Acre marked the end of the crusades. Significant because then it was lost to the turks.
  • 1215 A.D

    The magna carta is signed.Charter issued by King John. It stated that there is no divine right of kings.
  • 741 A.D

    Muslims begin conquering the South.
  • 410 A.D

    The Roman Empire splits. The Western Roman Empire ruled by Rome. The Visigoth king attacks Rome.
  • 350 A.D

    Barbaric tribes come to Rome. Some of the groups that came were Vandals, Visgoths, and Huns.
  • 5000 B.C.E.

    Harappan Civilization. Religious practices in Indus Valley.
  • 5000 B.C

    Egyptians lived in farming villages. It was important because they often traded and did alot of farming. They also had the weather which was good for farming too.

    Sumerian women could work as merchants, farmers, or artisans. Had some rights and could work.

    Women can hold property on their own homes. Could also join priesthood. Majority of Sumerians worked with their hands in the fields and workshops.

    Sumerian women had more rights than women in many later civilizations. Were allowed to work and have certain rights.
  • Political MESOPOTAMIA

    Believed that Sumerians invented the wheel, the sail, and plow and were the first to use bronze.
  • Political MESOPOTAMIA

    With no natural barriers for protection, a Sumerian village was nearly defenseless. Didn't have protection and could easily get attacked.
  • About 2350 B.C MESOPOTAMIA

    a conqueror named Sargon defeated the city states of Sumer.
  • Interaction with Environment MESOPOTAMIA

    A desert climate dominates the landscape between the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean in Southwest Asia.
  • Interaction with Environment MESOPOTAMIA

    Unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little or no rain. The land almost sometimes became a desert.
  • Interaction with government MESOPOTAMIA

    The natural resources of Sumer were limited. Building materials and other necessary items were scarce.
  • Interaction with environment MESOPOTAMIA

    The natural resources of Sumer were limited. Building materials and other necessary items were scarce.
  • Cultural MESOPOTAMIA

    Believed in many gods- Polytheism. Got an idea on what they belived in and practiced.
  • Cultural MESOPOTAMIA 2300 B.C.

    Sumerians created a system of writing called cuneiform. One of the first maps was made on a clay tablet in about 2300 B.C.
  • Cultural MESOPOTAMIA

    Arithmetic and geometry- In order to make buildings and plan irrigation systems Sumerians needed arithmetic and geometry. Developed a number system in base 60
  • Economic MESOPOTAMIA

    People first began to settle and farm the flat, swampy lands in southern Mesopotamia before 4500 B.C.
  • Economic MESOPOTAMIA

    Within the dry region lies an arc of land that provided some of the best farming in Southwest Asia.

    Egyptian society formed pyramids. The king, queen, and royal family stood at the top. Below them were the other members of the upper class, which included wealthy landowners, government officials, priests, and army commanders. Middle class- merchants, artisans. Lower class- peasant farmers and laborers.

    Women that were wealthy and middle class could own and trade property. She could propose marriage or seek divorce. If she granted divorce, she would be entitled one third of the couple’s property.

    Egyptians could gain higher status through marriage or success in their jobs.

    Hyksos ruled much of Egypt from 1630 to 1523 B.C.

    Pharaohs were thought to be almost splendid and powerful as the gods of heaven. This type of government in this rule is based on religious authority is called a theocracy.

    The power of the pharaohs declined about 2180 B.C. making the end of the old Kingdom.

    Life in Egypt has risks. Nile’s floodwaters were just a few feet lower than normal, the amount of fresh silt and water for crops were greatly reduced. Thousands of people starved. The floods destroyed houses granaries, and seeds that the farmers planted.

    Priests observed that the same star-- Sirius-- appeared above the eastern horizon just before the floods came.

    Simple pictographs were the earliest form of writing in Egypt. They developed a more simple system. That form of writing was called hieroglyphics.

    Egyptians developed a calendar to help them keep track of the time between floods and to plan their planting season. 365 days- a solar year, divided year into 12 months and 30 days each added 5 days for holidays and feasting.

    Egyptians were polytheistic-the belief of many gods.

    Egyptians lived in farming villages as far as back as 5000 B.C.
  • 3000 bc

    Farming communities are establsihed in Northwest India.
  • 3000 bc

    The earliest civilization seems grown out of small communities that had settled in the valley.
  • 3000 BCE-

    3000 BCE- first signs or urbanization.
  • 3000 BCE

    • the rise of the great indian cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.
  • 2696 BC

    Rule of the legendary Yellow Emperor. Making of silk.
  • 2600 BCE-

    dozens of towns and cities are established.
  • 2500 BCE-

    Earliest use of the indus script.
  • 2400 BC

    The indus valley civilization reaches its peak.
  • 2205 BC-

    . The chinese learn how to make bronze. The Xia Dynasty becomes the first dynasty in China.
  • 2180 B.C-

    The power of the pharaohs declined. This marked the end of the Old Kingdom.
  • 2055 B.C-

    Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country.
  • 2040 B.C-

    Strong pharaohs regained control during the Middle Kingdom and restored law and order. They improved trade and transportation by digging a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea.
  • 2000 B.C-

    Nomadic warriors Amorites invaded Mesopotamia.
  • 2000 B.C.

    2000 B.C- Mycenaeans migrated on Greek land. The start of a big civilization.
  • 1800 B.C.

    1800 BC- Start of decling in some areas.
  • 1792 B.C.

    1792 B.C- Hammurabi started making his code of laws. His code of laws brought orders to the country.
  • 1700 B.C.

    1700 B.C- THe hyksos were a group of people from the Levant, who settled in Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom. They brought new technologies with them to Egypt, such as the chariot.
  • 1640 B.C.

    Middle kingdom didn't last.
  • 1630 to 1523 B.C.

    -Hyksos ruled much of Egypt from 1630 to 1523 B.C.
  • 1630 B.C.

    1630 B.C-Hyskos ruled Egypt.
  • 1570 B.C.

    1570 BC- shang dynasty
  • 1500 B.C.

    1500 BC- Indo-Europeans calling themselves Aryans
  • 1500 B.C.E.

    1500 BCE- The aryans-- nomadic northerners from central Asia, began to migrate into the valley.
  • 1500 B.C.

    1500 B.C- Mycenaeans traded with the Minoans. They started seaborne trade
  • 1500 B.C.

    1500 B.C- Mycenaeans are influenced by the Minoan culture. This was because of cultural diffusion.
  • 1274 B.C.

    1274 BC- Ramesses II fought in battle of Kadesh. He was a pharaoh who ruled Egypt for 66 years. He had many temples and is known as a great military leader.
  • 1045 B.C.

    1045 BC- Zhou Dynasty
  • 1200 B.C.

    1200 B.C-The Mycenaeans fought against Troy. A big 10 year war that could have changed the faith of either city.
  • 1200 B.C.

    1200 B.C- Sea raiders destroyed a lot of Mycenaeans cities. Many histories and artifacts are destroyed.
  • 1000 B.C.

    1000 BC- Aryans go east.
  • 1000 b.c.

    Aryans start to go to the Ganges
  • 1200 B.C.

    Mycenaeans cities are destroyed.
  • B.C.

    The Latin come into Rome.
  • 753 B.C.

    Rome is establsihed. Rome is basically created and has history.
  • 750 b.c

    Homer writes an epic poem. This poem is the Iliad.
  • 750 B.C.

    City states in Greece.
  • 726 B.C.

    Sparta is strong and taking over.
  • 671 B.C.

    Mycennians take over Egypt.
  • 621 B.C.

    Draco makes equal rights/laws. People have freedom and are more equal now.
  • 616 B.C.

    Eutruscans influence Rome's society. Rome goes under leadership.
  • 551 B.C

    Confucius is a philosopher and thinker.
  • Greece 550 b.c.

    In Greece many had roles. Many of the boys went to the military and were taught and the girls were at home and took care of the family. The girls just did like cleaning,cooking,etc.
  • 546 b.c. Persia

    Persia conqueres sea.
  • 530 B.C.E PERSIA

    Persia conqueres again.
  • 509 B.C.

    Rome is a republic. A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them
  • 505 b.c.

    Patricians elected themselves. Patricians were aristocrat or nobleman.
  • 500 B.C.

    China invents cast iron.
  • 494 B.C.

    Pelebians vs. Patricians. Patricians gave the power to the Pelebians. Pelebians are commoners.
  • 480 B.C.

    Siddhartha Gautama WHO IS "Buddha" creates a new religion which is Buddhism.
  • 477 B.C.

    Athens is good at art and science. They start to become better and better making Athens wealthy.
  • 470 B.C.

    Athens beautify's and Sparta later gets mad.
  • 450 B.C.

    Law of 12 tables. was the ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. The Law of the Twelve Tables formed the centrepiece of the constitution of the Roman Republic and the core of the mos maiorum (custom of the ancestors).
  • 431 B.C.

    Sparta and Athens are in war with eachother.
  • 430 b.c.

  • 404 B.C.

    Athens surrenders to Sparta. Sparta wins.
  • ROME

    Rome weakens.
  • 332 B.C.

    Alexander the Great is from Macedonia. He conqueres Egypt and founded the city Alexandira on the Mediterranean Coast.
  • 300 B.C.

    Archimedes builds steam engine. Used to increase the movement speed of ships.
  • Alexandra

    Alexandria the Alexander the Great founded is becoming rich and wealthy.
  • 265 B.C.

    Eutruscan war falls. Romans defeat largest army.
  • 149 b.c.

    Rome and Carthage fight. (Battle of Carthage)
  • 221 B.C.

    221 BC- Qin Shi Huangdi becomes the first Emperor of China. He has the Great Wall of China built by extending and connecting existing walls to protect the people from the Mongols.
  • 207 BC- CHINA

    207 BC- THe first Han Emperor, Gaozu, establishes the Chinese Service to help run the government.
  • 196 B.C.

    Rosetta Stone carved. It has three scripts on it (hierglyphics, Ancient Greek, and demotic script.)
  • 133 B.C-

    Tiberius and his younger brother Gaius began redistributing public lands to small farmers.
  • 107 B.C.

    The people that were poor were forced to join the army.
  • 26 B.C.

    26 B.C- The Pax Romana continued. During this time, Rome has a widespread trade.