Reading History

  • Being read to by my parents as a child.

    Being read to by my parents as a child.
    This instilled in me a love of reading.
  • Library

    Having access to a wide variety of books in my home and school library helped develop my reading skills.
  • Exploring different genres of books

    Exploring different genres of books
    I read a wide variety of books as a child, and I found that I enjoyed different genres for different reasons. I liked to read fiction for the stories and I liked to read nonfiction to learn new things.
  • Kindle

    Which has made it easy for me to carry my books with me wherever I go and has opened up new worlds of reading.
  • Book clubs

    Book clubs
    I often read with my parents, my siblings, and my friends. This was a great way to share books and to discuss them. It also helped me to improve my reading skills.
  • Reading Cultural Diverse Books

    Reading Cultural Diverse Books
    I Learned about different cultures and perspectives through reading.
  • Writing about what I read

    Writing about what I read
    I was always encouraged to write about what I read. This helped me to think more deeply about the books I read, and it also helped me to improve my writing skills.
  • Sharing my love of reading with others

    Sharing my love of reading with others
    I loved to share my love of reading with others. I would recommend books to my friends and family, and I would talk to them about what I was reading.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The internet, which has given me access to a vast wealth of information and made it possible for me to connect with other readers from all over the world.
  • Audio Books

    Audio Books
    Audio books helped me enjoy reading since I had difficulty reading I prefer listening to books.