Pure soul coffee company

Pure Sole Promotional Plan - Matt Schroepfer

  • Period: to

    Promotional Plan #1 | 15% off to first 250 customers

    Our coupon of 15% off to the first 250 customers will attract people for sure because after we tell them we replaced our inventory of food, they'll know they're safe and would like to take advantage of the short offer.
  • Period: to

    Promotional Plan #2 | Free donuts for first 500 customers

    We believe this will help with the image and business of our shop. First, people will hear about the free donuts and even if they don't buy anything, when the offer is over they will come through and buy donuts because they'll like them so much.
  • Period: to

    Promotional Plan #3 | Advertising

    Some ways we have brainstormed of advertising our coffee shop are through local radio stations, local TV commercials, etc. We will be sure to mention that we have replaced our inventory. We want people to know they won't be harmed by our food again.
  • Period: to

    Promotional Plan #4 | Bands or Live Music

    Every day, at certain hours, we will be having bands and live music perform in front of the crowd of people drinking coffee and eating food. This will give people another reason to come to our shop.
  • Period: to

    Promotional Plan #5 | Products

    We will be trying to implement new breakfast desserts and food for people to come by and get before going to work or anywhere else. Things from breakfast sandwiches, burritos to donuts and cookies.