
Pure Sol Timeline

  • Coupons

    The coupons at our store will vary each week. Some weeks we will have higher percentages than others
  • Product Sample

    Product Sample
    Our product sample will be free sample cups of coffee. This will get the customers interested in our products
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    For the traffic builder I will use a coffee cup that I will give away to the first 25 customers that walk in the door. I selected this promotional strategy because then they have a cup to drink their coffee at home.
  • Incentive

    Our contest at my store will be a raffle prize. When a customer buys a cup of coffee they will be entered in a raffle drawing and the winner will receive 10 free cups of coffee.
  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    Our coupon plan will be a store credit card that will allow our customers to receive points every time they buy something from the store. Different reward items will be available based on the number of points.