Public education in America

  • Colonial period

    The teachers lived with the families and were paid by the town. only well of towns could afford a teacher. one of the 1st things that students learned how to read was the Lord's prayer.
  • Thomas Jefferson *

    Thomas Jefferson *
    He drafted a proposal of three years of public education for all children. He thought that if we want to be ruled by the people the people need to learn how to read and write. Select few could gain a scholarship and move on to higher school. this was a way to find the genius and help push them up. Public education is essential for democracy.
  • Noah Webster *

    Noah Webster *
    Webster got rid of British textbooks and commissioned new ones to start our new nation's history. In these textbooks, they included legends about our founding fathers like washing cutting down the cherry tree. Webster also wrote the book, "Blue Back Speller" which created a new type of English and taught all about America. Mann has set the tone of America education and what atmosphere students go to school in.
  • Horace Mann *

    Horace Mann *
    1st secretary of the Board of Education. Mann Reviewed physical school facilities. He wanted the Government to buy all schools chairs with backs, textbooks, chalkboards. He also made sure teachers were qualified, and textbooks were accurate. Mann wanted to equalize school by having the same materials, facilities, bible, and concepts taught. He raised the standard that all teachers need to have some education and that school text needs to be approved.
  • Philadelphia Bible riots

    Philadelphia Bible riots
    Bishops Hues was denied money from the state for Catholic schools which then caused the bible riots where 13 people died and the Catholic church was burned to the ground. this later resulted in public schools taking out racial comments in their curriculum.
  • Benjamin Roberts

    tried to enroll his daughter Sarah in white schools and was rejected because of her race. Roberts then tried to sue the state for the immediate end of segregation in public schools and that all can attend school in the district in which they live. he was rejected and went to the state legislature then in 1875 segregated schools were abolished.
  • The Measurement Movement (IQ, Thorndike, Terman)

    The Measurement Movement (IQ, Thorndike, Terman)
    They use standardized testing to measure growth. The Schools started to enforce intelligence and physical testing
  • Committee of 10

    Committee of 10
    a committee of philosophers from across the nation to come up with the 1st-9th grade and 10-12th grade and what will be taught in each grade. Teach math, lit, science, and civ
  • Immigration to America *

    Immigration to America *
    people came to America so they could get a free education. The schools were protistan biased which caused conflict with the Catholics in public schools. the schools were very anti Catholics, Irish, etc. this created the problem of religion in schools. This is important now because in our schools we need to be aware of racial and cultural differences in our classrooms.
  • The Impact of WWII

    The Impact of WWII
    They had a better economy which equals more people graduating from high school and going to college. They learn how to protect themselves from an atomic bomb, and launched America into a technical future accepting more diversity in schools.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Launched desegregation in public schools. separate is not equal.
  • Sputnik and NDEA

    Sputnik and NDEA
    Created a bigger focus on science and physics. Education is a means of security for the nation. The goal of the legislation was to enable the country’s educational system to meet the demands posed by national security needs to compete with the Soviets in technology
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Students with learning disabilities, the blind, and the deaf
    Public education for all children with disabilities
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A Nation at Risk Report
    Ignited the start of standardized testing to help students step up concerning their education. Ronald Regan commissioned the book "a nation at risk".
  • No Child Left Behind *

    No Child Left Behind *
    No child left behind was an act of Congress that gave more money to title one schools and required more assessments and higher standards of learning. This had depressed the arts in schools and has limited teachers ability to differentiate. It has also put a further emphasis on testing.