
Psychology Timeline

  • Period: 1 CE to 2


    The Sensorimotor Stage
    Ages: Birth to 2 Years
    Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes:
    The infant knows the world through their movements and sensations.
    Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, and listening.
    Infants learn object permanence.
    They realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them. Link for more information
  • Period: 3 to 11


    The stage of life that follows infancy and spans the period from the second birthday to the beginning of adolescence. Following the second birthday, children gain on average two to three inches and four to six pounds each year until they reach the start of adolescence. Age range 3-11. Link for more information
  • Period: 10 to 14

    Early Adolescence

    During this developmental period, both sexes experience significant physical growth and increased sexual interest. Cognitively, adolescents in this stage have a limited capacity for abstract thought but intellectual interests expand and become more important. Although adolescents in this stage have limited interest in the future, they develop deeper moral thinking during the early adolescence stage. Link info
  • Period: 15 to 17

    Middle Adolescences

    Adolescents in this stage continue to experience a growing capacity for abstract thought. Adolescents begin to set long-term goals and become interested in the meaning of life and moral reasoning. Adolescents in this stage of development experience numerous social and emotional changes including increased self-involvement and an increased drive for independence. Link Info
  • Period: 18 to 24

    Late Adolescences

    Adolescents in the late adolescence/young adulthood phase typically experience fewer physical developments and more cognitive developments. Adolescents gain the ability to think about ideas rationally, plan for the future, and gain a firm sense of identity. During this last phase of adolescent development, young people also experience increased emotional stability and independence. Link Info
  • Period: 20 to 35

    Early Adulthood

    In early adulthood, physical abilities are at their peak, including muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning. The aging process also begins during early adulthood and is characterized by changes in skin, vision, and reproductive capability. The immune system becomes less adept at fighting off illness, and reproductive capacity starts to decline. Link Info
  • Period: 35 to 65

    Middle Adulthood

    Aging speeds up during middle adulthood, and is characterized by decline in vision, hearing, and immune-system functioning, as well as the end of reproductive capability for women, known as menopause. Skin continues to dry out and is prone to more wrinkling, particularly on the sensitive face area. Age spots and blood vessels become more apparent as the skin continues to dry and get thinner. Link Info
  • Period: 65 to 100

    Late Adulthood

    Late adulthood is generally considered to begin at about age 65. it is important to find meaning and satisfaction in life rather than to become bitter and disillusioned. It has been estimated that by the year 2030, Americans over 65 will make up 20% of the population. Link Info