
Progressive Era: Political

  • Expedition Act

    Expedition Act
    priority in federal courts expedites antitrust cases.
    Dick Act passes—Emory Upton reorganizes the Armed Forces to correct problems uncovered by Spanish-America War. Creates Joint Staff, etc.
  • Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act passed.

    Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act passed.
    Manufacture, sale, transportation of adulterated, misbranded or harmful foods is illegal. (Impetus provided by Sinclair's The Jungle.)
  • Republican Party divides

    Republican Party divides
    TR runs as Progressive; election demonstrates great popular endorsement of Progressivism: 75% vote for TR, Wilson or Eugene Debs.
  • 16th Amendment and 17th Amendment adopted

    16th Amendment and 17th Amendment adopted
    graduated income tax redistributes wealth; provides for direct election of Senators.
  • Federal Trade Commission Act and Clayton Antitrust Act

    Federal Trade Commission Act and Clayton Antitrust Act
    guards against "unfair trade practices." ; strengthens Sherman Act. Many specific prohibitions against tie-ins, price discrimination, etc. Corporate officers personally liable. Includes labor, agriculture organizations.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    outlaws sale of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. Volstead Act carries out intent through legislation. Prohibition begins.
  • 19th Amendment declared ratified

    19th Amendment declared ratified
    women have the right to vote.