Programming Languages Timeline

  • The Turing machine

    The first ever computer engineered to combat the encryptions made by Nazi’s enigma machine
  • Mark I

    Mechanical telephone replay switches to store info and accepted data on punch cards
  • The Eniac

    Consists of Vacuum tubes. First general purpose of a computer. Took the general space of a huge room and its task was to calculate artillery firing tables
  • The Modem

    The earliest modems were often used by the US Air Force in the 1950s, but the first commercial(public) ones were made a decade later.
  • The First Hard Drive

    IBM ships hard drive for $10,000 per megabyte
  • The Mouse

    The mouse first started using a trackball and it was made by a team led by Rainer Mallebrein at Telefunken Konstaz for the GermanBudesanstalt fur Flugsicherung as part of their TR 86 process computer system.
  • The Arpanet

    4 different computers linked up at one time, with the message “lo” rather than login as they planned due to the not so powerful system
  • The Mp944

    The Mp944 was the world’s first microprocessor, used on military aircraft like F-14.
  • 3.5 Inch Floppy Drive

    The company Sony released the first floppy drive which was 3.5 inches.
  • IBM Microdrive

    A Microdrive in 170 MB and 340 MB was released by the company IBM
  • USB

    First USB flash drives are sold