Presidential Timeline

  • Inauguration for George Washington

    Inaugurated for the first President of the newly formed United States.
  • Period: to

    George Washington's Presidency

    Born in Westmoreland County, VA
    No education
    British Provincial Military, Continental Army, and United States Army.
    Representative of Frederick County and Provincial Representative of Virginia
    Parents: Mary Ball Washington and Augustine Washington
    Was a land surveyor and was commander of the Continental Army.
  • Congress enacts Tariffs

    Congress enacts first protective tariffs, led by James Madison, who consulted with Washington about the need.
  • First Naturalization Law

    Congress passes this law to establish terms of citizenship.
  • Ratifying the Constitution

    Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution, last of the original 13 states under the Articles of Confederation to join.
  • Period: to

    John Adam's Presidency

    1. Braintree, MA
    2. Harvard, graduated in 1755
    3. Served in France and and Holland for diplomatic roles, negotiated Treaty of Peace.
    4. United States minister, delegate of the Continental Congress, and Vice President of the United States
    5. Spouse: Abigail Adams, many children but is father of John Quincy Adams.
    6. First president to reside in the White House, signed Alien and Sedation Acts, and built up the Army and Navy against France in the undeclared naval war.
  • Period: to

    James Madison's Presidency

    1. Belle Grove, March 16, 1751
    2. Princeton University and College of New Jersey
    3. Private turned to colonel and commander of the Orange County Regiment, Virginia Militia.
    4. Representative of VA, 5th District, United States Secretary of State, Representative.
    5. Spouse: Dolley Madison
    6. "Father of the Constitution" and drafted/promoted the Bill of Rights, same for the Constitution
  • Period: to

    James Monroe's Presidency

    Westmoreland County, Virginia
    College of William and Mary
    Third Virginia Infantry
    Secretary of State
    Children: Liza Kortright , James Spence, Maria Hester
    Elected Governor in 1799
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adam's Presidency

    1. Braintree, MA
    2. Harvard
    3. Any military service
    4. Any previous offices held (Congress, VP, Governor, etc.)
    5. Spouse:
    6. Anything important he was part of before or after he left office.
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    Shadwell, VA
    College of William & Mary
    Provided militia soldiers as replacements for the Virginia regiments of the Continental Army.
    Governor of Virginia
    Children: Martha Jefferson Randolph, Madison Hemmings ·
    President of the American Philosophical Society
  • Copyright Law

    President Washington signs first Copyright Law