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Paul Mauser By Blake Murphy

  • Born

    Paul Mauser was born on June 27, 1838
  • Manufactured

    The Mauser was manufactured by Norris in 1886
  • the burn

    the burn
    A factory was biult for pauls father in 1872 and then burned
  • Inspuration

    Paul Mauser got the inspuration for the Mauser from his fahter
  • The rifle

    The rifle
    In 1884 the Mauser had stoped being manufactored
  • The new rifle

    The new rifle
    In 1886 the Norris rifle was invented
  • Adoption

    In 1888 Germany adopted the rifle for a sevice rifle
  • Past

    On May 29, 1914 Paul Mauser died
  • The battle

    The battle
    In November 24,1922 childers fought British with mauser and won the first battle