Of Mice and Men Timeline

  • Before Arriving at the Ranch

    Before Arriving at the Ranch
    George and Lennie are resting at the pond the George and George yells at lennie for him not being the brightest and always getting them kicked from Ranches
  • Arriving at The Ranch

    Arriving at The Ranch
    George and Lennie arrive at the ranch and Slim is the first fellow they meet who directs them to the bunkhouse where they are to stay, and then George talks about the cot and if it has been debugged.
  • Lennie's Gift, and Candy's loss

    Lennie's Gift, and Candy's loss
    Slim gives Lennie one of the pups that his dog had, and Candy also gets a pup once they're old enough, but Candy had to hear as Carlson took his ole friend out back and shot em.
  • Lennie Breaks Curly's hand

    Lennie Breaks Curly's hand
    Lennie walks into the bunkhouse, and walks towards Lennie's big frame, and starts talking but Lennie doesn't reply, which Curly then starts hitting Lennie, and Lennie who is frightened grabs Curly's hand and crushes it, Slim coming to the rescue stating that if he spill about who did this, they would spread what actually happened and he would be made fun of.
  • Lennie Killed his puppy

    Lennie Killed his puppy
    Lennie has pet the pup too hard, and has snapped its neck, but he won't tell George because he is afraid he won't be able to tend to the Rabbits on the farm they gonna get.
  • The Death of Curly's Wife

    The Death of Curly's Wife
    Lennie being the curious dolt he is; starts touching Curly's wife's hair, but she starts screaming because of the rough administration, and Lennie in hopes of making her quiet starts shaking her but, ends up snapping her neck; killing her in the End.
  • Lennie's Death

    Lennie's Death
    Due to Lennie Killing Curly's Wife, George takes Lennie to the pond where they first started off, and he shot and killed Lennie because he was fearing for what Curly would due to Lennie for his crime, so George killed Lennie out of Love for his friend.