Of Mice and Men: Chapter 5

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    Lennie's Accident

    Lennie's Accident
    Lennie is alone in the barn and he is upset because he has accidentally killed a puppy.
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    Another Mistake

    Lennie is worried that George won’t let him tend the rabbits because he has made another mistake.
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    A Visitor

    A Visitor
    Curley’s wife enters the barn and demands that Lennie talks to her because no one else on the ranch will.
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    Lennie Loves Rabbits

    Lennie explains that he only wants to tend to the rabbits, and Curley’s wife asks why he is obsessed with rabbits.
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    Petting Soft Things

    He tells her that he loves to pet soft things, and she tells him that she understands because everyone loves to pet soft things.
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    Curley's Wife's Hair

    Curley's Wife's Hair
    She tells him that her hair is soft and she allows him to touch it, however he gets too rough and she becomes scared.
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    "Stop Yelling"

    Out of fear, Lennie grabs Curley’s wife and accidentally breaks her neck.
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    Hide in the Brush

    When he realizes what he has done, he runs out of the barn to hide in the “secret spot” where George asked him to hide in case he does anything wrong.
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    Candy's Discovery

    Candy's Discovery
    Candy discovers Curley’s wife’s body and finds George to show him the body.
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    When Dreams Die

    George realizes that it was Lennie’s fault, and he tells Candy that they won’t be able to achieve their dream.
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    They Can't Think He's "In on It"

    They agree to tell the men if Candy promises to pretend that George didn’t know about the body.
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    Where's the Gun?

    Curley is very angry and wants to kill Lennie, and Carlson realizes that his gun is missing.
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    Where'd Lennie Go?

    The men all leave the ranch to find Lennie after George tells them that he probably went “south”.