New Deal Policies Luis Ramirez

  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    Established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The act also separated investment and commercial banking activities, which had led to the stock market crash. This act was part of the first new deal and was a reform effort.
  • Federal Securities Act

    Federal Securities Act
    This act was the first major federal law/act to regulate the stock market. This act made the government responsible of regulating offer and sale of securities, this act also protects investors against fraud. The Federal Securities Act is part of the First New Deal and was a reform effort.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This act offered farmers money to not produce crops, so that the prices of crops could go back up, due to supply and demand. This led to the prices of crops and the farmer's income to increase. This act was a relief effort in the First New Deal.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    This act led to the NRA agency, who regulated industries for fair wages and unfair business tactics/ethics. Led to the end of cut-throat competition in the US. This act was a recovery effort in the First New Deal.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    The CCC was a government funded agency that helped a lot of Americans work and learn about a certain profession. The agency only hired single men between 18 to 25, this men were taught many different skills like working on cars, so that in the future they could find jobs. This agency led was a reform effort in the First New Deal.
  • Gold Reserve Act

    Gold Reserve Act
    This act made the US department of the treasury control all gold and gold certificates. This allowed the US currency system to be protected. This act was a recovery effort in the Second New Deal.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    this act protected the employees and employers rights. This allowed employees to join trade unions and engage in collective bargaining for better wages or working conditions. This act was a reform effort in the Second New Deal.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This administration hired millions of Americans. They did this by creating government jobs, like construction of public buildings and roads. This was a relief effort in the Second New Deal
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This act led to benefits to people who couldn't work or get a job anymore, like old people, victims of industrial accidents, and handicapped people. This act was a relief effort in the Second New Deal.
  • Soil Conservation and Domestic allotment Act

    Soil Conservation and Domestic allotment Act
    This act allowed the US government to pay the farmers to reduce their production of crops and livestock to conserve the soil and prevent erosion. This helped get rid of the dustbowl problem in the US. This act was a relief effort in the Second New Deal.
  • Second Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Second Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This act was a replacement to the first new deal AAA. The first act was found unconstitutional so they needed a replacement due to the success of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. This act was a relief effort in the Second New Deal.