Net Neutrality Timeline

By Hanawie
  • Communications Act of 1934

     Communications Act of 1934
    The Communications Act of 1934 gives us Title I and Title II - rules for media communications. Although the internet doesn't exist yet, these rules are still used today to govern its processes. Without getting into a lot of legalese, Title I can be thought of as less strict, and Title II can be thought of as more strict regulations.
  • FCC writes new rules governing net neutrality

    FCC writes new rules governing net neutrality
    These new rules are far more strict. Net neutrality rules are still classified under Title I rules, but the FCC does tighten rules on internet accessibility and internet service providers.
  • Verizon successfully sues the FCC

    Verizon successfully sues the FCC
    Verizon argued that the FCC didn't have the authority to enforce their new rules, as they went beyond the scope of regulation as described in Title I. The courts sided with them, and the FCC had to come up with a new plan.
  • The FCC reclassifies ISP rules under Title II

    The FCC reclassifies ISP rules under Title II
    After complaints of internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon "throttling" speeds of certain services, the FCC successfully reclassified internet service under the more strict rules of Title II. This reenforced net neutrality.
  • Trump administration hires a new chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai

    Trump administration hires a new chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai
    Pai has promised to “take a weedwhacker” to current FCC regulations and predicted that net neutrality’s “days are numbered.”
  • Future of Net Neutrality

    Future of Net Neutrality
    Truthfully, the future of net neutrality is not guaranteed under this new administration. Those concerned with this issue can contact their representatives and also the FCC during times they take public comments on this issue.