Napoleon Timeline By: Anelisa and Gabriel

  • Early Childhood

    Early Childhood
    Napoleon was born in Corsica, Italy in 1769. When he was 9 years old, he was sent to a military school. When he returned at the age of 16, he finished school and became a lieutenant in the artillery.
  • His Beginings

    His Beginings
    October 1795, royalists rebels marched on the National Convention. Napoleon and his men greeted the loyalists with a cannonade. The attackers left in fear and Napoleon became the hero and was hailed throughout Paris as the savior of the French Republic.
  • Leadership

    In 1796, Napoleon was appointed to lead a French Army against Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia. When he crossed the Alps, he won many battles. In addition, he led an expedition to Egypt in attempt to protect French trade interests and to disrupt British trade with India.
  • Return from Egypt

    Return from Egypt
    In 1799, the directory had already lost the confidence of the French People and the political Situation. Napoleon returned from Egypt and his friend convinced him to seize power. Napoleon started this process in early 1799.
  • Peace Agreement

    Peace Agreement
    In mid 1799 Britain, Austria, and Russia joined forces, to drive Napoleon out of power. Napoleon once again lead his troops out of Paris. Eventually they signed a peace agreement.
  • Self Destruction

    Self Destruction
    Napoleon had a great desire for power and this same love for power led him to his doom or fall. His personality was the greatest danger for the future of his empire. Napoleon made 3 catastrophic mistakes in trying to extend his empire and crush Great Britain.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    In 1800 a plebiscite was held to approve the new constitution. The people voted separately, for the new constitution. This gave all the power to Napoleon as the first consul.
  • Self Coronation

    Self Coronation
    On december 2, 1804, Napoleon was ready to be crowned. He walked through the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The pope was waiting for him with the crown. Thousands of people witness, Napoleon grabbing the crown from the pope’s hand, and put in it his head.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The battle of Trafalgar, was a battle for the race of the European Empire, and Napoleon lost only one major battle. It was the battle of Trafalgar. It was a naval defeat, and it took place in 1805 of the southwest coast of Spain.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    November. 1806 Napoleon set a blockade closing the ports to prevent trade and communication with Great Britain and with other European nations. This system was named the Continental System. Its name was given because it was supposed to make continental Europe self-sufficient. Napoleon’s purpose for this was to destroy Great Britain’s commercial and industrial economy. However smugglers managed to bring cargo from Britain to Europe.
  • Second Mistake

    Second Mistake
    In 1808, Napoleon made his second big mistake. While he tried to convince Portugal to join the Continental System, he sent an invasion force through Spain, the Spanish people protests. Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his own brother, Joseph, on the throne. This made the Spanish people mad and inflamed their nationalistic feelings.
  • Blockade

    To support the blockade, British navy stopped neutral ships bound for the continent and forced them to sail to a British port to be taxed. Some ships stopped by the British Navy were American. This made the Americans angry and Congress declared war in Britain in 1812.
  • Third Mistake

    Third Mistake
    In 1812, Napoleon made the worst mistake which led to a disaster. Even though Alexander I had become Napoleon’s ally, the Russian czar refused to stop selling grain to Britain. The French and Russian rulers suspected of having competing designs in Poland. Due to this breakdown in their alliance, Napoleon invaded Russia.
  • March into Russia

    March into Russia
    June 1812, Napoleon and his Grand army, composed of more than 420,000 soldiers, marched into Russia. As they advanced, Alexander pulled back his troops since he did not want to enter an unequal battle. Due to this retreat the Russians burned grain fields and slaughtered livestock, this was to leave the enemy in starvation.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
    On September 7, 1812, the battle of Borodino took place. The battle lasted for hours, and the Russians retreated. This allowed napoleon to move forward into Moscow. A week later, by the chaos that brought Napoleon, Moscow was in flames.
  • Weak

    In October 1813 napoleon faced the armies of the European Powers. Napoleon had a weak army with soldiers untrained and ill to battle. It took place outside the German city of Leipzig.
  • Surrender

    January of 1814, the armies were going towards Paris. King Frederick William III of Prussia and
    Czar Alexander I of Russia , led their troops through the French Capital in a triumphant Parade. Napoleon wanted to fight, but the people refused. In April 1814, he surrendered and gave up his throne. The victors exiled him and banished him to Elba. They expected no more trouble caused by Napoleon. They were wrong about this.
  • Napoleon's End

    Napoleon's End
    June 18, 1815 near Waterloo Napoleon attacked. The Prussians and British joined forces against the French and defeated Napoleon. This was the last defeat it was called Hundred Days. The British then shipped Napoleon to St. Helena, where he lived alone. He died in 1821 of a stomach ailment, or cancer.