
Nancy Cartwright The philosopher's Timelime and Historical events

  • Nancy Cartwright Philosopher and Professor in Science History and Timeline

    Nancy Cartwright Philosopher and Professor in Science History and Timeline
    She is a philosopher of Science and professor of philosophy. Nancy Cartwright was born January 24th 1944. She received her degree at the University of California and San Diego and at University of Durham. The error of her philosophy studies was contemporary philosophy. Our school of thought was analytic philosophy.
  • Period: to

    Nancy Cartwright's life and time span

  • LHer earlier life

    LHer earlier life
    Earlier in her life she started out with an interest in math and physics with strong religious education to follow. She had a wide range of interest in study. She believes strongly in the movement of philosophies. While she was in Stamford doing this philosophy movement she mentioned that it was fairly a widespread optimistic idea slowly drifting away. This took place during 1960 and 1970.
  • Nancy Cartwright's Education Experience

    Nancy Cartwright's Education Experience
    Presentation experience was involved if University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago. She earned her Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh in mathematics. Nancy also and her PhD in philosophy at the University of Illinois in Chicago Circle. (
  • Nancy Cartwright's Teaching Experience

    Nancy Cartwright's Teaching Experience
    She also taught at the University of Maryland, Stanford University the London School of Economics. She has held visiting appointments and several credited universities. Nancy was the co-founder of Centre for philosophy of natural and social science at LSE and the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science Society. Several students in England in the United States who has also gone on and became professionals in philosophy and science.
  • Her Family History

    Her Family History
    Nancy Cartwright's husband died in 2004. His name was Stuart Hampshire. She was previously married to Ian Hacking. She has two daughters and a granddaughter. Emily in Sophie Hampshire or her daughter's names. Lucy Charlton is her granddaughter's name.
  • Her Approach and Thoughts in Science

    Her Approach and Thoughts in Science
    Her approach in the philosophy of science is associated with Stanford School of Patrick Suppes, John Dupre, Peter Galison and Ian Hacking. It express offices on scientific practice as opposed to abstract scientific theories. Contribution has been towards laws of nature debates, causation, and casual inference, scientific models in natural social sciences. Her recent works focuses on evidence and its uses to inform policy decisions.
  • Honors and Awards

    Honors and Awards
    Honors and awards were Paramount. Nancy served as the president of the philosophy of science Association from 2009 to 2010. She was vice president from 2007 to 2008. She was a president of Pacific Division of the American philosophical Association as well professor Emeritus at the London School of economics. She receive honorable degrees from Southern Methodist University in the University of st. Andrews as well as MacArthur Fellowship. She was elected fellow The Academy of social sciences.
  • Nancy Cartwright concerns a Scientific theories

    Nancy Cartwright concerns a Scientific theories
    She was concerned with the physics of long and she argued that scientific laws have been understood in two very different ways. She gave descriptions of how nature occurs with an explanation observed events. She believed that it should gear towards a empiricist picture. She thought that it was more less about how God spoke of the predicate calculus. (
  • Conclusion

    Nancy Cartwright also understood how the structures of scientific theories Ashley philosopher and scientist