My timeline (Mathew Sanhtwe)

  • I was born

    I was born on October the first 2005
  • Spoke my first word

    I spoke my first word which was ‘Ba’ ( dad in Karen ).
  • First time flying.

    I flew to Australia as a refugee at two years old. Then rented a house in Werribee.
  • Started walking

    I started walking at the age of two and a half.
  • We bought a new car

    In 2008 my dad brought a brand new Holden car which costed around 22,000 dollars
  • First time at kindergarden

    At the age of five I went to a kindergarden in Werribee to learn English
  • Finished kinder

    I finished kinder then started prep on the second of February at Manorvale Primary School.
  • Got a new car again

    My Dad crashed his car so he bought a gold Holden for 23,000 dollars
  • My little brother Joel was born

    My little brother Joel was born on the 3rd of May
  • Made it to the next round of athletics

    Year three was the first year that I made it into the next round of athletics I made it in hurdles,long jump and triple jump
  • My mum got her drivers license

    In 2015 my mum passed her drivers test and got her license
  • My biggest birthday

    My birthday that year was the best out of the rest. I got around 350 in cash a new Nike shoe and a bike.
  • Elected as school president

    When I was year six my classmate and the other classes voted for me as the school president to represent the school along with a girl president and 4 other junior school councillor.

    The school held a graduation for the year sixes to celebrate our last year of primary school wished us good luck.
  • Highschool

    2018 was the year I had to start highschool and meet new friends new teacher and take another big step in life.