my timeline

By yerimar
  • my birth

  • preschool change

    at that time in my life I met the people who were going to be part of my life for many more years (all primary school)
  • my firts move

    I lived the first years of my life in a house, in a little dangerous area and for this reason I did not have many friends, when we moved to a safer area I started to be a little more sociable and open with people
  • my transition to primary school

    Elementary school was a very good time, we did many walks, we had many events, it was a period in which I learned a lot
  • I went to high school

  • I met my best friend

    In the early days of high school I met the one who is my best friend, my favorite person and my confidant
  • I started following bts

    Meeting them was one of the best things that could have happened to me, now with their songs they comfort me when I’m sad and they make me laugh with their crazy
  • I left venezuela and came to colombia

    Although I left a lot in Venezuela, I could meet wonderful people here, be closer to my aunt (who is a great support) and have a better education