My timeline 1 638

My timeline

  • A little (ingenious) was born

    A little (ingenious) was born
    I was born in Barcelona near the coast, my family though that I was a copy of my brother, Juanka
  • I traveled to Bolivia and Greece

    I traveled to Bolivia and Greece
    My mum is from Bolivia and my father is from Greece
    When I born my fathers argued for where we could go first
  • My brothers

    I have two brothers: Joseph and Juanka. They are all for me but sometimes we fight after always we bring the piece
  • I traveled to Spain

    I traveled to Spain
    At the age of 2 years me and my brothers traveled to Spain,
    at the beggining it was for 2 or 3 months but I lived there and continous living there
  • My first day in P-3

    My first day in P-3
    I don't remember so good but my mum said to me that it was difficult
    The first day I hit two boys and now they are my friends
  • I joined to a basketball team

    I joined to a basketball team
    At the age of 7,I remember that it was so easy because I went with my friends and it was easy learnt baskeatball
  • When I fell from my bed

    When I fell from my bed
    When I was 7 yesrs old I fell from my bed and I cut my tongue with my teeth, my mum was so scaried.''Imagine you see your son with blood in his mouth''
  • I traveled to Switzerland

    I traveled to Switzerland
    My aunt lived in Switzerland and for personal reasons I don't know nothing about her for 8 years. I was so excited met her
  • I broke my left arm

    I broke my left arm
    I went in a birthday at Mataro, and we went in a ''salting''.
    I was idiot and finally I broke my left arm
  • NOW

    Now I'm a normal person who want to take the Eso and the ''Batxillerat'',