my time line

  • Birth-1 year

    Birth-1 year
    I was born on February 12, 2003 in the city of Mexico, when I was a month old, my parents and I went to live in Iztapalapa.
    And when I was 10 months old, my younger sister was born
  • Period: to

    my time line

  • 1 year-3 years

    1 year-3 years
    I said my first word when I was 1 year old with 3 months, I learned to walk when I was 1 year old with 10 months.
    I don't remember something important that happened when I was 2 years old and my parents have not told me anything interesting either.
    When I was 3 my mom taught me to read
  • 4 years- 6 years

    4 years- 6 years
    when I was 4 years old in kindergarten, because the kindergarten in which my parents wanted to enroll was only 2 years old
    When I was 5 years old my dad taught me to ride a bicycle
    and when I turned 6 I was almost going to finish kindergarten, and I remember that my teacher that year helped me to read better and from that moment I liked reading a lot
  • 6 years -7 years

    6 years -7 years
    When I was 6 years old I started to study primary school, there I met my first best friend.
    When I was 7 years old, I moved to the second grade of primary school and my parents started to get divorced, so I almost did not see my father and spent a lot of time at my grandmother's house because my mom had to go to the courts a lot.
  • 8 years - 11 years

    8 years - 11 years
    After I turned 8, my parents finished divorcing and my mother decided that we would return to live in cuajimalpa
      So I had to finish the pimaria in cuajimalpa, at first it was very difficult, but I got used to it and I realized that I liked to study a lot.
    When I was 9 years old I finished studying third grade and they gave me my first diploma.
    When I was 11 years old, I finished studying fifth grade and I was offered to be in the school escort, and I accepted.
  • 12 years

    12 years
    When I was 12 years old I started studying sixth grade, and a girl who was my best friend had to change schools and I was very sad, that year I had to do my high school exam; So I was studying a lot and if I managed to stay in the school I wanted.
  • 13 years

    13 years
    After doing my exam I started to study high school, I liked it a lot because I could meet new people, at the beginning it took a lot of work for some subjects but when I got used to it I got good grades in those subjects, and also learned to be a little more sociable with the people.
  • 14 years

    14 years
    t age 14 I started to study secondary school, and this was a very complicated year for me; because one of my uncles died and my sister became very sad and did not know how to help her.
  • 15 years

    15 years
    When I turned 15 I was in third year of high school and I think that this has been the best year of my life so far, because I realized that the career I wanted to study was not something that really interested me, so I decided to look for a career more suited to my personality, in addition to the fact that very important people arrived for me in my life, I did my exam for high school and I managed to stay in the school I wanted.
  • now

    am studying fourth year of high school at the UNAM, I have achieved several goals that I had and very soon I will be 16 years old