My Life Until Now

  • I was born.

    I was born in Quito-Ecuador on March 2, 2000.
  • My brother was born.

    My brother was born.
    My younger brother, Ernesto, was born when I was 3 years old.
  • I went to visit my family in Italy.

    I went to visit my family in Italy for the first time.
  • I attended school for the first time

    I entered Colegio Menor when I was 4 years old.
  • My grandma turned 80 years old.

    My grandma turned 80 years old.
    My nonnina, Marisa ,turned 80 years old.
  • I met a life long friend.

    I met a life long friend.
    This year, I met Ale Jaramillo, one of my closest friends.
  • One of my best friends left

    My close friend, Paula Torres, moved to Guayaquil.
  • Camp

    I went to Camp Nashoba North for the first time and I loved it.
  • I played violin for the first time.

    This was the year I decided that I wanted to play the violin.
  • My eldest sister left.

    My oldest sister, Carolina, left Ecuador to study in Switzerland.
  • I entered High School.

    I passed into 7th grade this year.
  • I met awesome friends.

    I met awesome friends.
    I met my Argentinian friend Sofia Bunin, American friend Ashlynn, and French friend Salome.
  • One of my other friends left.

    One of my other friends left.
    Another of my closest friends, Dani Pualin, moved out from Ecuador to Sweden,