• when god arrived to my life

    when god arrived to my life
    i borned in 24 to october to 2001 and baptized in 8 to december to 2001
  • celebrated the first chistmas with my family

    celebrated the first chistmas with my family
  • visited the family my dad in catamarca

    visited the family my dad in catamarca
  • the first day learned the river Panaolma

    the first day learned the river Panaolma
    this river is in front of the family home in the montanius
  • my grandad i held while walked for Santiago del Estero

    my grandad i held while walked for Santiago del Estero
  • my first year to life i walked

    my first year to life i walked
  • played with the flowers to my grandmother

    played with the flowers to my grandmother
  • my first time rode a horse in Tucuman

    my first time rode a horse in Tucuman
  • breaked the bag whit candies in my birthday number two

    breaked the bag whit candies in my birthday number two
  • when a fed a rabbit three years

    when a fed a rabbit three years
  • with my dad participated in the act to garden

    with my dad participated in the act to garden
    the three years i opened the front played
  • danced for the brithday to my grandfather the four year

    danced for the brithday to my grandfather the four year
  • when saw the snow with my mother and father

    when saw the snow with my mother and father
  • captured with my family to vacation to winter

    captured with my family to vacation to winter
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iguazu_Fallsi was eight years when learned the Cataratas del Iguazu
  • when delivered the result to exam international in fourth grade

    when delivered the result to exam international in fourth grade
  • when i got God in my life

    when i got God in my life
  • they gave the flag institutonial to school in fifth grade

    they gave the flag institutonial to school in fifth grade
  • When i competed in Rosario with my friends dance

    When i competed in Rosario with my friends dance
  • traveled to study the whales in Puerto Madrin with my friends

    traveled to study the whales in Puerto Madrin with my friends
  • When i became in teacher of jazz

    When i became in teacher of jazz