
significent events in my life

By manakk1
  • birth

    i was born there was a new person in the world it effects hundreds of family members no matter how distant and The population increased by about 208400 people
  • my cousin is born

    my cousin is born
    my first younger cousin is born he is male and 2 years younger then me
  • sleepover

    it was a big deal cause it was the first time i slept over at someone =s house who wasent related
  • I got a sister

    I got a sister
    on the 26th of august 2011 a girl was born but what the parents and awesome sister(me) didn't know was that that girl would grow up to be a super annoying girl who has TANTRUMS ALL THE TIME! AND I AM NOT EXAGGERATING
  • my 2nd younger cousin is born

    my 2nd younger cousin is born
    my first female cousin is born
  • starting school

    starting school
    i started school after kindergarten and i went to an ESF school that was not DC but since my kindergarten was not an ESF i did not go to Y1
  • getting glasses

    getting glasses
    i got glasses in the summer before Y4 and it was really odd at first but i got used to it
  • my grandma died

    my grandma died
    my grandma died cause of cancer
  • getting my ears pierced

    getting my ears pierced
    i was really nervous, when i imagined my ears getting pierced i thought they would take me to a sound proof room where no one could hear my screams then a giant version of an alien laser would shoot a bullet through my ears and it would bleed a lot and i would cry but instead i sat in a spiny chair and they had a small box like contraption around my ear and all i felt was a little pinch and there was no blood.
  • 10th Birthday

    10th Birthday
    I turned 10 which is double digits!