Mohandas Gandhi

  • Gandhis Birth

    Gandhis Birth
    Mohandas Gandhi was born in Porbandar ,Kathiawar, India. His mother Putlibai was deeply religious and fasted often. Gandhi's father Karamchand was a chief minister in Porbandar and in other western India states and had a big influence on political and religious matters.. At the time of his birth India was controlled by the powerful British.(
  • Gandhis marriage

    Gandhis marriage
    At the age of 13 Mohandas wed a marchants daughter named Kasturba Makanji. This was an arranged marriage and in 1885 his father passed away. Around the passing of his father Gandhi had the first of his four surviving children.(
  • Gandhi's legal services

    Gandhi's legal services
    In 1893 Gandhi went to South Africa to perform legal services. As he got there he saw the terrible racial segregation against migrating Indians and was greatly appalled. Mohandas was forcefully removed from a train after he refused to move to the back even though he had a first class ticket. This violence led to Gandhi making The National Indian Congress to fight discrimination in 1894.(
  • Gandhi's fight for rights

    Gandhi's fight for rights
    In 1906 a law was passed that made all Asians in South Africa to be fingerprinted and have a form of pass. Gandhi opposed this and told the Indians to defy the law even if they would be punished. The state also didnt to recognize Indian marriages and this intensified Gandhi's campaign in 1913. In 1914 due to an outcry over the harsh treatment on the peaceful protesters the Indian Relief Act was passed, marriages were recognised and Indians could travel freely.(Gandhi soldier of nonviolence) pg 9
  • Robert Peary reaches the North Pole

    Robert Peary reaches the North Pole
    Robert E Peary was unsuccessful in reaching the North Pole twice but on the third attempt he made it. He was accompanied by Henson and 4 Inuit. When he got back he was celebrated to be the first to reach the North Pole and come back. (The timetables of history by Bernard Grun) pg 139
  • world war one starts

    world war one starts
    After the assassination of Archduke Franz Austria and its allies were furious. They declared war on Serbia and the fighting was all across Europe. This was the start of the first world war. (The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun) pg 146
  • Civil disobedience

    Civil disobedience
    In 1915 Gandhi won his first battle of Civil Disobedience. At this time the British forced the Indians to grow cash crops instead of food and the cash crops would be sold to landlords for cheap prices. This led to famine and lots of poverty for Indian citizens. Gandhi led organized protests against the landlords and in the end they signed an agreement to give more compensation and cancel collections until the famine was over.(Gale world History) pg 1
  • British tax releif

    British tax releif
    In 1918 India was destroyed but floods and famine and the British wouldn't give tax relief to the Citizens. Gandhi started a campaign to have people pledge non-payment of revenue even though the British said they would take their land for good. After 5 months and the majority of farmers behind Gandhi the tax was suspended for 2 years and the people got their land back.(Learnodo Newtonic)
  • Jallianwala Bagh massacre

    Jallianwala Bagh massacre
    On April 13th 1919 the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place. British soldiers blocked the only exit and shot peaceful protesters killing up to a thousand. Gandhi took action and led The Non Cooperation Movement and told others to boycott anything British. This movement was very popular and successful until Gandhi shut it down after a mob of Indians burned down a British police building in retaliation to the police killing 3 Indians.(Learnodo Newtonic)
  • The Russian Civil war ends

    The Russian Civil war ends
    After years of fighting the communist party won the war. They proclaimed self determination but imposed on a dictatorship. Even after the civil war bands of people harassed the communist parties. (The timetables of history by Bernard Grun) pg 167
  • The U.S.S.R. is formed

    The U.S.S.R. is formed
    This was the first time a country was based on marxist socialism. In the Soviet Union all levels of government were controlled by the communist party. Within years the Soviet Union was one of the most powerful states. (The timetables of history by Bernard Grun) pg 174
  • British salt act

    British salt act
    In 1930 due to the British salt act Gandhi led the Dandi March to get rid of this act. He marched for 24 days and was followed by millions of supporters. Up to 80,000 Indians were jailed in this march and this influenced several activist in the future.(Learnodo Newtonic)
  • Quit India Movement

    Quit India Movement
    On August 8th 1942 Gandhi launched the Quit India movement to stop British rule in India. Hours after his speech many political leaders in the Indian National Congress were imprisoned by the British. Even though they had little leadership large protests and demonstrations occurred across India. Many were arrested and killed during this but it led to the British realizing that they could not control India anymore and soon India would be independent.(Learnodo Newtonic)
  • First atomic bomb is dropped

    First atomic bomb is dropped
    The U.S. becomes the first and only nation ever to drop atomic weaponry. The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay dropped the 5 ton bomb over the city and it killed nearly 80,000 people instantly and another was dropped 3 days after to end the war. (The Timetables of history by Bernard Grun) pg 185
  • Hitler commits sucide

    Hitler commits sucide
    As enemy lines advanced Hitler ordered his men to draw back toward his bunker. Hitler hid in a spacious underground bunker and knew defeat was nearso he tested poison on his dog. When he made the decision to commit suicide he took poison and to make sure he died he shot himself with his military pistol. (The Timetables of history by Bernard Grun) pg 192
  • Gandhis assasination

    Gandhis assasination
    On January 30th 1948 Gandhi was assassinated. He was on his way to a daily prayer meeting in New Delhi when a Hindu extremist shot him. Many people came to see his body to get one last look at him before he was cremated.(