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Modern Civil Rights Movement - Lauren Young

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    -first time argued: December 9, 1952
    -ended: May 17, 1954
    -the Court declared state laws making separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Murder of Emmett Till
    -14 years old
    -visiting family
    -reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store
    -two white men kidnapped, beat & shot him in the head
    -men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury released them
    -funeral held in Chicago
    -trial for murder was in September of 1955
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    -Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, then was arrested and fined
    -boycott of public buses began the day of her court hearing
    -lead by Martin Luther King Jr.
    -walked and carpool instead of taking the buses
    -buses often ran empty
    -ended December 20th 1956
  • Integration of Montgomery, AL busses

    Integration of Montgomery, AL busses
    -African Americans refused to ride city buses
    -protest against segregated seating
  • Integration of Little Rock Central High School - Little Rock, Ark.

    Integration of Little Rock Central High School - Little Rock, Ark.
    -nine African American students enrolled in a previously all-white school
    -tested ruling that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional
    -a white woman helped one of the students to get to a bus safely
  • Lunch-Counter Sit-Ins (Woolworth's in Greensboro, NC)

    Lunch-Counter Sit-Ins (Woolworth's in Greensboro, NC)
    -ended July 25, 1960
    -non-violent protests
    -led to a department store chain to remove policy of racial segregation
    -manager told them to leave or they’d call the police
    -people beat them
    -some of them were arrested
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    -civil rights activists who rode buses into segregated southern US to challenge the non-enforcement of rule that said segregated public buses were unconstitutional
    -while buses stopped they’d puncture the tires
    -set buses on fire
    -people were beaten because the police wouldn’t stay to protect them
    -arrested in Jackson Mississippi
    -caused many boycotts, marches and protests
  • "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

    "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
    -written by MLK Jr,
    -letter defends strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism
    -written to let people know about the racism in America
  • Murder of Medgar Evers

    Murder of Medgar Evers
    -he was an African American civil rights activist
    -worked to stop segregation at University of Mississippi
    -tried to gain social justice & voting rights
    -shot in driveway outside his home
  • Bombing of the 16th St. Baptist Church

    Bombing of the 16th St. Baptist Church
    -act of racism and white superiority
    -killed 4 innocent girls
  • 24th Amendment - Outlawing of Poll Taxes in Federal Elections

    24th Amendment - Outlawing of Poll Taxes in Federal Elections
    -got rid of poll taxes in elections for federal officials
    -African Americans were scared to vote because people wouldn’t like it
    -risked everything to register to vote
  • Murder of Civil Rights Workers

    Murder of Civil Rights Workers
    -murdered: James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner
    -in Philadelphia, Miss.
    -police told them to return home
    -car followed the men
    -beaten and tortured before they were shot
    -buried in an earthen dam
    -made America able to come face to face with racism and hatred
    -Mississippi refused to press charges
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin
  • Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson
    -he was a civil rights activist
    -deacon of baptist church
    -took part in peaceful voting rights march
    -beaten and shot by trooper(s)
    -26 years old
    -for funeral they walked 4 miles in rain
  • "Bloody Sunday" - Selma

    "Bloody Sunday" - Selma
    -protest march in Selma, Alabama that was stopped by police
    -police shot teargas into the crowd and beat nonviolent protesters
    -hospitalized 50+ people
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    -made to get rid of laws took away the African Americans right to vote
    -march “protected” by military police